Our original Poems for an Autumnish'Halloween ... Thoughts from an artistic perspective ...

in My Art Tribe3 years ago


I know, we are already inside that time frame of the year, when, the well known autumnish'Halloween is already hidden inside October's myst.


Still you can enjoy one of our videos entitled A Halloween Story.

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I've still felt, like a few mystical thoughts and a Poem dedicated to this awesome period of the year would suit perfect to my story.

Therefore, i've wrote this Poem, through which i'll invite my buddy Jack Skellington, which somehow should be considered the symbol of the autumnish period of the year, and, especially for the this aesome period of Halloween. He should be considered a character like Santa Claus is for the Christmas period of the year, or the Easter Bunny ...

So, here we have him, enjoying reading my poem, while he is sippin'a cup of tea as well ...


Here is my Poem, which is mirroring somehow, the secret vault of Jack's Soul, through which we will find him, living through a kind of a cold happiness that is in a Halloweenish'journey every year around this time ...

"Jack’s soul of Halloween … "
by JeddakLuke

Whose soul is that? I think I know.
Its owner is quite happy though.
Full of joy like a vivid rainbow,
I watch him laugh. I say hello.

He gives his soul a shake,
And laughs until his belly aches.
The only other sound's the break,
Of distant waves and birds awake.

The soul is scarry, cold and deep,
But he has promises to keep,
After a tasty cake and lots of sleep.
Sweet dreams come to him cheap.

He rises from his gentle bed,
With thoughts of pumpkins in his head,
He eats his jam with lots of bread.
Ready for the Halloween ahead


Now, stepping further within the magical land of our #scifi #halloween lego stories ...

Who would ever thought that one of the most mystique love would happen'on a Halloween night between two emblematic characters of this ancestral celebration ...

Who would have ever thought that Jack and Sally will ever fell in love on a night like Halloween ? Maybe love has its own spooky ways of acting inside this magical world ...

At the end of the day, love can exist between pumpkins as well ...

Imagine a Halloween Rendezvous, for which a mysterious character like Jack Skellington didn't knew which flowers to bring for his beloved Sally, therefore, he appeared dressed like a true gentleman, wearing an elegant suit and a melon hat. He brought also some black tulips, but the magic part happened from Sally's side, because she prepared a sonnet for her soulmate Jack ...

He was profoundly impressed and got a little bit emotive, not that Sally wasn't emotive as well during her recitation ...

I hope you'll enjoy this sonnet that came out of nowhere for such an unique event in the entire history of Halloween ...

~ Sally's Ode for her Jack Skellington ~
A Sonnet by JeddakLuke

"My Halloween pumpkin, to you I write.
How I love the way you observe and talk,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about your abstract luck.

Let me compare you to a cold crowbar?
You are more magic, brilliant and old.
Bleak storms whip the twiglets of October,
And autumntime has the unique billfold.

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.
I love your majestic Hands, Eyes and Soul
Thinking of your tragic story fills my days.
My love for you is the mystique glow.

Now I must away through a gentile dance with my heart,
Remember my fleek words whilst we're apart."

The entire moment was blessed by the mystical Dobby, the elf of the entire Halloween cult during all those eons since this ancestral celebration existed ...

He read them from the sacred book of Halloweenish'Love so they swore faith and love to each other forever ...


This was definitely a magical moment that happened on such a sacred celebration ...

Maybe love has its own spooky magical way of dealing with sacred moments such as this one ...

Hope you've enjoyed this story and Sally's sonnet written for her beloved Jack ...

Have a wonderful week people and do not forget to read from the magical book of the Halloweenish' Love.

This can be found inside the eternal Akashic Library ... Dobby, the elf can help you ...

I hope you've enjoyed my poems dedicated to this awesome time of the year, and, hopefully the next Halloween will be in a period of time when our children will be able to go and follow the ritual of Trick or Treat without the restrictions of a pandemic time frame where you could not leave the house ...

Have a cool weekend dear people from the planet of the Encrypted Pumpkin ... and never hesitate to visit our new youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNDYV4DJsoa5M-A4VjaB1bg through which you'll might find some interesting videos :)

Much appreciated in the name of the Jedi Order.

You can even find our latest video which has a famous character created by us, named master Chen Squash ... the video it's entitled: Jedi Yoda and Master Chen Squash practicing Kung Fu (絕地尤達和陳壁球大師,練習功夫)

Have fun watching it and thanks for subscribing and sharing our #artworks

The best thing is also the fact that a new platform for video creators was found by the Order of Jedis and we've thought that you'll might be interested in joining this platform.

Here it is:


You can even sync your channel with your youtube ...

We think the future will look different as Times are changing ...


Ciao a tutti!


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