Campus Connect Engagement Contest Week 1- The Role of Virtual Learning In Universities Around The World-

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


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Greetings to everyone, its always a pleasure to take part in contests, especially those that concerns me directly as a student. Kudos to @campusconnect for always giving the platform and to the wonderful mods too, for doing a great Job.




In the world today, people don't necessarily need to be physically present in order to discharge their duties. We are now in an era where meetings, discussions, lectures as well as prayers can all be staged virtually. We've indeed gone past the era of physical restrictions, now, everything can be done virtually including learning.

Virtual learning has played a very significant role in our education system across the world. With this, one can conveniently learn at the comfort of his home through his device without distance barrier. Recently, I got a certification from Harvard via futurelearns, I didn't need to travel to England to get tutored before acquiring the certificate, everything was done virtually. This initiative has really improved education sector globally.


Will virtual learning shape education and Learning the way we know it?


Of course, this is very possible. The importance of virtual learning was somewhat underated till when the pandemic struck. During this time, most schools resorted to virtual learning as their chief means of engaging with student.

Virtual learning, if employed in all the schools globally will help shape the education system positively. In this way, students will no longer need to be physically present in the school all the time, this can help reduce the traffic in schools, as well as time spent in school. However, the major challenge seems to be the issue of accessibility since not all students may have the devices to access this.


Do you think your university will incorporate virtual learning into its curriculum?/ State the reason for the answer


University of uyo is one the few public varsity in Nigeria that has actually test run this, though not on official basis. I remember during the pandemic, virtual lecture was actually proposed on some departments. I can vividly recall I had a lecture via zoom, even wrote a virtual test during that period.

On whether it can be introduced into curriculum,
I definitely think so, considering the positive impacts virtual learning learning can add to the academic system. Moreover, no one really knows how events will pan out.
Peradventure, a new pandemic strikes again, virtual learning might be the new way of engaging students.

Most schools including mine, have gone past the era where lecturers travel long distances to keep lectures. Now, most lecturers, especially the busy professors now prefers having lectures online and lecture materials sent online. This is done to reduce stress and save time.


Do you think such a move will be plausible/


I definitely think so. Moves like this will have a great impact on our education system. Since most schools have adopted this already, although not in an official way, and it has not been heard to have much of a negative effect.

However, the main problem the school will face if this gets adopted officially, is the problem of compliance on the part of the lecturers. Even during physical lectures, compliances has always been a problem, so, I see no reason how this will really be much of an issue.


Have you had any experience with virtual learning, if yes kindly indicate when and how


If you have read this post keenly from the beginning till now, you must have noticed that I've mentioned this earlier. My experience with virtual learning came during the COVID19 lock down when all schools in the federation were asked to shut down all lecturing activities. We had a couple of lectures via zoom and even meetings as well. Although most persons said they couldn't participate due to lack of suitable device to access it, as well as data services.

However, the positive impact of Virtual learning might not be the same in every school. Some countries with poor knowledge of internet as well as it's services might find it really difficult to adopt this and use it for their benefit, since the major players in this drive, ie the students and the lecturers, needs to have the basic background on how to adequately explore this concept and must also have access to network services.




Virtual education has really played a dominant role in the promotion of learning, globally.
Some one in Nigeria can easily have a decree in Harvard via virtual education without necessarily needing to travel overseas to obtain it. Thus has really shaped the dynamics of our academic structure where there are n more boundaries to learning.
Cc: chiabertrand

Thanks for reading....
10% to @campusconnectng


You are right yes this could be the new way of learning but for now I don't see us adopting it but if something as the covid-19 should break out again where physical gathering will be restricted for a long time then perhaps this could be very plausible and I see a lot of versities adopting virtual learning if that were to be the case

 2 years ago 

You are right, but many universities in the world have adopted this already. Lets see how it goes over here.

Thanks for dropping by.

 2 years ago 

Did University of Uyo really organize an online class during the pandemic?


I'll like to know the department you are in. That lecturer must be really committed to your growth.

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