Looking back to 2021 campus connect contest by @yuceetoria

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Brief Summary of 2021

I thought 2021 will be like the other years but it surprised me, I didn't have any specific goals that I wanted to achieve until the middle of the year, the major thing was that I wanted something different in the year. I don't remember what triggered the change but one thing that stuck with me was a post that I came across on my timeline. It made me pause for a few minutes. Questions like:

  • Who am I?
  • Where is my vision? My role on earth?
  • What is my 5-year goal like?
  • What legacy would I leave on earth?
  • Do you have a vision? These questions and more kept popping up in my mind after that day.
    That was my redemption, it felt like I was transitioning into another lifetime, and honestly, I didn't have the answers to the question. That was the beginning of my personal development journey, a journey to discover who I am.

What were your goals in 2021?

I didn't have specific goals as I stepped into the year. I remember being restless about my finances, worried as to how I was going to raise some funds for my academies. This restlessness took me to the internet to make research on ways I could make money online. On the 5th of January, as I continued with my search, I stumbled upon a post from Steemit. It marveled me that I could write and get paid for it. Where have I been all this while when this site was running. I didn't hesitate, I immediately came onboard by making my first post of introduction with some lovely persons that guided me in how to make a good post on Steemit.


My direction changed with the need to grow beyond where I found myself. I took up some online classes to upgrade my knowledge back and graduated with excellence.

What were your difficulties

One cannot ascend to greater heights without meeting difficulties along the way. Being consistent is hard but with determination. Many times, I have felt like giving up especially on Steemit but then I remember my WHY for coming onboard and continuing.

Finances have made my head turn with thoughts of how to go forward with one project or another but I thank God that in everything, he has been there to guide me through.

What were your victories

Although I didn't have a specific goal as I got into 2021, I eventually picked some along the way. Being able to distinguish my financial level is a great thing. I may not hit my target but I am grateful that in all, I have a testimony to tell. I have come to realize that life is not all about going to school and getting good grades or getting a job and getting married. There's more to life, there's talent, skills that need to be harnessed to their full potential. There's a vision and a goal to achieve in life. There's a reason I am on this earth. There's someone out there who needs my help. Being able to identify these are my victories.

With Steemit, I connected back to my love for writing which propelled me to learn more and figure out ways I can monetize my skills not just with Steemit but via other platforms

2021 has provided lots of opportunities to learn from, one being the importance of your network and connections. Your connection has a bigger influence on who you become. I realized that to pursue what I want, that I needed to let go of some circles and immerse myself into ones that will leave an indelible mark.

The world is evolving, evolve with it, if not you will be left behind stranded.

Growth is costly, but you must be willing to pay the price now, than later. Be hungry to change the status quo. Be antsy enough to pull your shirt off. Be restless until you have figured out your calling.

I am making it a duty to make S.M.A.R.T goals in the new year. It is a year that has lots of opportunities for one who dares to make good use of it.

  • Smart
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time bound


Special thanks to @campusconnectng for this wonderful contest. It is an opportunity to look back at the little wins of 2021 and look forward to bigger achievements in the coming year.

#week18contest #campusconnect #nigeria #club5050 #achievements


Steemit has really helped a lot of people especially those who have the passion for writing.

Yes, it really has. Thank you for engaging my post @christian002

 3 years ago 

Food for thoughts.

 3 years ago 

@yuceetoria Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

I like to see questions like "What is my 5-year goal like?" although I usually ask about 10-years. So ... Where and who will you be in ten years?

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