Contest: The Big Competition by @yuceetoriasteemCreated with Sketch.

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Write a short story of how you encourage your colleagues to work as a team. The team can win or lose as long as they learn to trust themselves and work together.

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Meet the crew

The bright Monday morning was a clear indication that the day would be a splendid one. A call came through as my team @yuceetoria, @rose-o and @gifto went through with the activities of the day. The call came in with the goodnews that we are among the top 3 of the ongoing pitch/proposal Competition. We were estactic about the news but we realized that the finale would be coming up the next two weeks. We had those two weeks to prepare a mind-blowing proposal because the other two groups were also very good.

Oh No! This can't happen

I received a call from home demanding my attention, one I couldn't ignore. At this point I didn't know what to do, I told the group about the call. They didn't like it but there was nothing they could do. We brainstormed all the ideas we brought together when we met later in the day. We made sure that we had gathered every necessary tools to make sure it was perfect.

My Words to them

When it seemed they weren't so keen on going on with it, I encouraged them to go because I knew they could do it. We are a team and teams pull through any circumstances no matter the situation they are faced with, when together and united we can achieve what ever we put our minds towards doing. It might seem like nothing is working the way we planned but we must pick up what we have and work with it. It didn't matter who was going to present it, I know that they have the strength and charisma to wow the hosts, together we came up sound ideas. One major thing that I told them is that I know it is not easy but even if we do not emerge as the winner, we are still going home with the assurance that we are a better version of what we were to have even emerged as top three.

Guess who won?

The news they came back with uplifted my spirit. Even though I didn't go with them, I knew it would be a success. My Group emerged the winner.
I want to say a big thank you @whitestallion and @campusconnect for this wonderful contest.

#thebigcompetition #campusconnect #nigeria #contest #teamwork

 3 years ago 

Wow you did so wonderfully well dear kudos

Thank you very much.
Thanks for reading through my post.

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