College of Medicine: The Physiotherapy Profession By @wilosmith

in CampusConnect3 years ago

The image above is just showing you what a physiotherapist do.

College of Medicine: The Physiotherapy Profession

For most people, when they hear the term, “College of Medicine”, they associate it with stress, constant reading and zero social activities. I will not debunk this because for some people in the college of medicine, this is true but for some others, the opposite is true.
My name is Wilson and I am a student of Medical laboratory science. I am writing on physiotherapy because i so much love the profession despite not been admitted into it. A Person that studies physiotherapy is said to be a physiotherapist in training. Some people know it by another name, “Medical Rehabilitation”. Physiotherapy is a discipline, together with other courses that are under the medical field. Physiotherapy is the treatment of diseases, injury, and deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, cold, electricity, sound waves and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery.
After my WAEC, I applied for the department by choice because I have been so fascinated by the techniques and general operational methods of physiotherapists but unfortunately I was given admission. I have a doctor friend who is a physiotherapist that also fanned the flames of my passion of the course that’s why I decided to take it up as my second degree.


Usually, the course should be a five year course in the university and then the internship and practice but recently, the Nigerian government has given it the recognition it deserves and has extended the study years by one year making it a six year program with the student graduating as a Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT).
At first, this was resisted with all vehemence in my school by the students due to how rigorous this process usually is; more than half of the class who didn’t pass the professional exams would be asked to withdraw from the program. So, this news came as bittersweet news. Sweet because you graduate with a doctorate title without coming for another extra year program but bitter because the screening process is rigorous.
The course follows a similar line as Medicine and Surgery. They have their first, main professional PHT exams which is termed 2nd PHT by their third year in college and the 3rd and 4th ones in subsequent years. The 2nd PHT exams usually come with a lot of tension because this is when a lot of people will be withdrawn and discontinue with the program.
During this period, your social life goes down to zero and this is when you see most students spending almost all day reading and burning the midnight candle.
I remember their exams like yesterday. Most of the students studying the course had mixed feelings in the beginning but Some had a conviction that they would conquer it and at the end of it all, Only few did conquer.
The life of a medical student need not be solemn with zero social life; the most important factor for them is time and how they manage it is what makes it count. Good time management will enable you to engage in other extracurricular activities without infringing on your study time.
There are different branches of specialization as a physiotherapist such as:

  1. Neurological Physiotherapy: This deals with issues related to neurology, that is the central nervous system, with the brain being the main focus.
  2. Orthopaedics/Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy: As the name implies, this deals with the bones and muscles and related movements in the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Sports Physiotherapy: These physiotherapists are usually seen in the football field handling any emergencies that may arise from it.
  4. Women’s health Physiotherapy: This aspect deals with women’s health, childbirth and everything relating to women in the physiotherapy discipline.
  5. Community/Primary care Physiotherapy: This deals with the community in general, they assign care and services to a larger community and are involved in enlightening them too.
  6. Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy: This deals with heart and lungs medical cases like the corona virus cases where there is usually an issue with breathing. A cardiopulmonary physiotherapist plays a vital role here.
  7. Paediatrics Physiotherapy: This deals with physiotherapy care relating to children.
  8. Geriatrics Physiotherapy: This is a branch of physiotherapy that ensures the well being of the older/senior citizens.
  9. Integumentary Physiotherapy: This can be applied in patients with diverse skin ailments, including scars, burns, frostbite, photosensitivity and other related cases.
  10. Palliative care Physiotherapy: These physiotherapists help to integrate the psychological, social and spiritual aspects of holistic care, providing relief from distress.


Real Life Applications of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy has so many real life applications that are practical and in some cases, the results come instantly. Here are some cases managed by a physiotherapist:

  • Urinary incontinence: This occurs when there is a compromise in the bladder and/or muscles supporting the pelvic floor; leading to involuntary voiding of urine. A physiotherapist recommends and helps the patient carry out exercises that will help such as elevator exercise, quick contractions exercise, contract relax and so on.
  • Arthritis: This is an inflammation of the joints and synovial lining of the joints causing the joints to rub together thereby leading to pain.
  • Bone replacement surgery rehabilitation: After a patient has gone through a bone replacement surgery, he or she would need the help of a physiotherapist to be able to walk normally and regain normal posture again.
  • Stroke recovery: A patient that has just recovered from stroke that caused paralysis to the limbs would need a physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles again and recover the use of his limbs again.
  • Posture correction: A physiotherapist would recommend appropriate muscle exercise to help a patient stand upright again or recover any lost use of limb.
  • Low back pain: This is a very common case for a physiotherapist. A lot of methods can be used for treatment such as
    ultrasound, heat method or even exercises.



The real life applications of physiotherapy mentioned above are just a tip of the iceberg of many vital cases managed by a physiotherapist. Awareness is currently being brought to a lot of people especially in the rural areas who still have no idea who a physiotherapist is and who insists that their first point of contact when having back pains is a doctor.
Do you know a physiotherapist? If yes, then appreciate them today by a simple compliment; smile at a medical student whenever you see one, it could go a long way and you never can tell how much positive effect and light you are sending across.

 3 years ago 

What a nice post... Am proud to be called a physiotherapist.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much.

 3 years ago 

This is a very nice field of study, keep on helping and saving lives 🕊️

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

 3 years ago (edited)

I believe someone here will have interest in this field of discipline. You made the discipline look so enticing because you are proud of it.

Thanks for sharing this post with us.

 3 years ago 

You are welcome and thanking you for reading it

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