My dream university|| Attens school of fine art

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


Image made using canva


Hello everyone, how are we all doing.
Recently while going through campus connect u read an article which said tell me about your dream school.

I must say reading this sent the hands of time rolling back and it took to a time when I still dreamt.


My dreams

When I was little I used to be so curious, little things got my attention and fascinated me so much so I couldn't focus on otherthings.

amongst everything, I was particularly intrigued by the ability of an individual to transform a blank page into an an art work.

This singular act seemed like magic and I was captivated, I called artist magicians and from a young age aspired to be a magician transforming blank canvases and leaving my mark on earth in ink and color.

The little boy couldn't wait to start practicing magic so he turned whatever he could find to his canvas, his white clothes stood no chance as they were the first to feel his wrath, then his school books and what ever he could find.

As time passed this little boy was made to understand that being an artist wasn't something that flew in African homes, his dreams where squashed and he was ostracized

Slowly the boy no longer saw the magic in art what he saw now were just lines and strokes done by men.
His dream had been squashed.


My dreams university



By initiating this contest you have awoken the young boy within the man who had been silenced long ago by the weight of society an era which was too rigid for him.

The young boy would dream now and tell you all about how he wished to study in Athens school of fine art


Athens school of fine art



The young boy from a very young age understood that in order to truly appreciate art you have to study it from his origin the undiluted and pure art, the art of the greeks.

Walked in his heros footsteps
He so much loved Greece and was hoping to apply into Athens school of fine art so as to walk down the footsteps of some of his personal heros such as Demetrios Farmakopoulos and Dimitris Mytaras who were both exceptionally talented classical artist who revolutionized the act of painting human anatomy as well as others.

Enabling environment

Particulary studying at Attens school of fine art would have provided the young child an enabling environment to grow and harness his skills, it would have made the process of performing magic seem possible.


The long and rich history which attens school of fine art seemed too much of an opportunity to pass the school boast of close to 20 decades of experience in the process of creating and nurturing talent.

Personal experience

Looking outside the school the young child would have also experienced the Greek culture he Soo longer for. culture in it's in adulterated form which can't be replicated anywhere else nor transported.

High admittance rate

Like all art schools they are very welcoming to foreign students from all over the world, making it very easy for individual who have the talent and passion for art to gain admission.

Personal freedom

Like the name indicates attens school of fine art, particularly focuses on art in such an environment the young child would have never been ostracized for doing what he loved or being who he was.


What could have been

If the society wasn't so hard on the young child and his dreams weren't squashed right now he would be living his dream somewhere in attens siting in the library and discussing with Chrysanthi Georgoul (deputy head of management) About his latest art work, but things aren't as they are are they



I am very greatful for the organizers of this contest as you have reminded me of a long lost dream, which I had.

Things happen for a reason the magician now a writter and steemit his canvas..

It's been fun participating in this contest, I invite @ronindboss to partake in this as well.

10% to show support
2% for reminding me what it's like to dream

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @victoh78, you have made a beautiful piece and we love your contest entry, However, kindly replace your last image with a free-to-use image and source correctly placed.



Kindly Support our community with any amount of steempower delegation.


 2 years ago 


I have been a delegator to campus connect since 4th of a of February.. pls check this again

 2 years ago 

A very good entry.
I wish you Goodluck

 2 years ago 

Beautiful piece. I'm sorry about the limitation society has caused you. This hurts. 🤦🏽‍♀️

 2 years ago 

We win some battles we lose some

 2 years ago 


Good day curator.

I noticed my contest entry post seem to have been skipped.

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