Diary Game: 5-11-2021|| Examination Palava

in CampusConnect3 years ago

50% to @campusconnectng

Dear diary,
Unlike every other day, today's account will be very different. I guess it is one thing I must face as long as I am a student.

Just like every other day, I woke up by a few minutes past 6 AM. Stretched like a well-slept cat and began dotting my Is and crossing my Ts in preparation for my last examination for the semester. As expected, I started so well by reading from the very first day lectures began. Isn't that my preoccupation as a student? I had gotten materials from senior colleagues and my collections of past questions are up to date. There did not seem to be anything that will cause me to struggle this semester.

I set out for school by 2:11 p.m. since it is expected for all students to be seated at least 30 minutes before the commencement of any examination. But by the time I arrived, it was 2:35 p.m. and the hall was filled to its brim with students holding their answer sheets. This journey to school ought to have lasted for only 10-15 minutes but I spent a greater part of the day waiting for a tricycle. This has not always been the case.

I found a seat later and began answering the questions given. The instruction was for us to "outline..." This simple but technical question got me confused. It is funny how students spend their time reading for an examination while overlooking other things we consider trivial. I should be happy but right now I feel so sad. Please what are we expected to do when we are asked to outline?


I know of "examine", "list" and "enumerate" but this one seems quite difficult to understand. This is me wearing a happy face while returning home with my colleague but deep inside me...

 3 years ago 

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