The Best Way to Live a Peaceful Life On Nigerian Campuses

in CampusConnect3 years ago

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Hello CampusConnect fam and Nigerian students around the world. As we all know being a university student might seem easy to those who are yet to get there but in Nigeria there are many more to it than that that meets the eye. Before entering the University, I assumed it was so easy there, study wise and health and peace of mind but I've come to realize that nothing is easy in this life as there are humans on earth who were put to make other human lives a living hell so today I will be showing you the best way to live peacefully on Campus.

Various Problems Faced on Campus

  • Cultist Attacks
  • Armed robbery
  • Negative peer pressure
  • Oppression
  • Life threatening attacks from other students
  • Lecturer threats

Now there are common rules which a random Guy Man in the University ought to know to survive in the haggard Universities in Nigeria. I learnt them the hard way though so I'm going to be telling you all what I learnt.

Mind Your Business
If you hear or see something you shut your mouth and do like nothing happened. Do not put your mind in other people's affairs especially those you are not familiar with. Do not spread false news and mind who you tell things because the walls have ears.

Don't Stay Out Late
If you are a man, don't move around at night especially when the streets are empty. If you happen to find yourself in such a pinch, you mustn't make it home instead find the friend nearest to you and crash there for the night.

Don't Stand Out too Much
Alot of people don't want trouble but they end up brining trouble by living flashy lives and attracting unnecessary attention to themselves. If you are also a troublemaker you will have to mind who you mess with because on Campus not all humans are sane and normal some could even be cultist.

Avoid Lecturer Trouble
As it stands now, lecturers would always have their way and get away with it so if you are instructed by a lecturer to do something be it good or bad you are just going to have to do it for the greater good of peace of mind. Now I'm not saying if he asks you for immoral things you should agree but there are some things that although there are not right, their consequences are less in comparison to what you will suffer while disobeying their orders.

Contentment is Key
This one concerns peer pressure and oppression. I would be using an example of 2 students here; James and Jude are roommates and Coursemates. James is rich and gets 80,000 naira from his parents per month while jude gets 20,000 naira monthly from his parents. James is spoilt and commits all atrocities while Jude is a well trained A student and good person. Jude might not be contented with what he has because James makes him feel less of a man. Jude starts trying to spend as much as James with his little allowance and even starts committing same atrocities as James hence discarding his home training and burdening his parents who are managing. Still under contentment, Some students in a bid to start making immediate money start joggling work and school with some avoiding school completely hence wasting their school fees and parents efforts instead of reading for a brighter and greater tomorrow. I will be ending this post here unfortunately so to those that read this post Thanks for Reading and Happy Holidays.

Special thanks to @campusconnectng and @whitestallion

 3 years ago 

This is a quite interesting post and the part that most people don't seem to notice is the part you talked about staying out late.
You don't really think it matters until you start being affected and then it affects you fataly and can't be easily undone.
Fascinating article.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful points you have outlined, honestly speaking, adherence to the stipulated points means peaceful life. A student has to mind his business, avoid staying out late, etc, thanks for sharing with us.

 3 years ago 

Very insightful post.
Thanks for this....
Now I know how to be the best version of a Nigerian student

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