in CampusConnect3 years ago

Good afternoon CampusConnect, during the week 1 contest, we were supposed to talk about our various universities, their good and bad qualities, structures and achievements but for some reason I was not able to do that so I will be using this contest as a means to talk about my university while talking about the changes I would like them to make.


This is the University of Nigeria Nsukka, it has quite the name here and is known to be among the top tier universities in Nigeria. From my experiences so far, I would like to say we are partially keeping up with the University standards considering the University's present population.Today I decided to go sightseeing and take alot of pictures which I would be sharing with you all. The university's major problems are poor infrastructure and lack of proper teaching equipment.




Our male hostels are in terrible condition coming from the fact that the University erected 12 female hostels leaving the males with only 2 hostels to manage. This leads to stuffing of rooms and very poor sanitation. I was really disgusted by the state of these hostels and one of the major changes I would like the government and school management to make is to erect more hostels for males and to facilitate proper sanitation measures.


Due to depreciation, natural disasters and man-made factors alot of buildings are either left incomplete or are destroyed partially but when it comes to rebuilding or repairing these said buildings there is always a delay or neglect on the part of the school management. For example, the building in the picture above got defaced by rain so the students that have there lectures there had to suffer the inconvenience while waiting on the school management to do something about it.
It would be nice for the government to speed up these repairs and stop delaying as it tremendously affects the students.


This is another major problem in this University. I study Economics which isn't as practical as most science courses but I've seen the poor state of the teaching equipment in the school science laboratories and I believe these need to be present to complete the teaching process.



This is the main arena where most sports activities like football and running are carried out excluding basketball, long tennis, badminton, volleyball etc. It's incomplete and has been abandoned by the management which shouldn't be so considering the school's large population. I feel recreation is very important and something should be done to Complete the sports complex.


After the lockdown, they became very lax with their responsibilities and exhibit a laissez-faire attitude towards anything involving their work which shouldn't be so. I would like for this to change. If they are not ready to work, they should stepdown and make the position available for those who are ready.
Aside from these the University of Nigeria Nsukka is a good university. Normal electricity and steady water supply, A large and fully functional library,

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lecturers who value students and work effortlessly to mold us with knowledge, affordable transportation, very efficient and versatile research facilities


and affordable cost of education.


I have come to accept the fact that nothing can be perfect but some changes can be made to make things "just right" and I'm really hoping to see alot of positive changes in the coming years. I'm thankful to CampusConnect for giving me the opportunity to air my views.



The school needs major reformation

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