10 Ways to Become an Exceptional Student by @steemtopus

in CampusConnect2 years ago


So you want to be an exceptional student? Well, being an exceptional student isn’t easy — it requires a lot of hard work and perseverance, especially in the early stages of your academic career. However, if you follow these 10 ways to become an exceptional student, you’ll find yourself well on your way to achieving that goal within no time at all! Here are some tips that will help you become an exceptional student today!

1) Understand what you want to achieve

Figure out why you want to be an exceptional student. Just because your parents say you should get good grades doesn't mean that's your real reason for doing well in school. This is important because you'll need a very clear goal in mind before you can create a plan for reaching it—and figuring out what that goal is will help you better understand how hard (or easy) it will be to achieve. If being an exceptional student is just something your parents want and not something that excites or inspires you, focus on achieving something else: Maybe making friends and building relationships with peers, or maybe becoming known as someone who can save others from negative situations by persuading them away from bad decisions.

2) Stick to a schedule

If you don’t already have a daily routine, then begin by establishing one. It might not be easy at first, but being consistent will lead to massive results down the road. For example, take time every day after school to go over your assignments and make a plan for what you’ll do that night before bed. Or if you always have trouble staying on top of homework, promise yourself you’ll do it first thing every morning—even if it means working ahead of schedule. Whether you adopt traditional study habits or create new ones, knowing exactly how and when you should spend your time can make all of the difference in becoming an exceptional student.

3) Choose your study spots carefully

It might sound obvious, but choosing a study spot that’s conducive to your needs and environment is important. If you need silence and space, a large library is ideal; if you’re more of a mobile learner or need to stay close by for appointments or work, then choose a local coffee shop. Think about when you work best—early in the morning? Late at night? Some people don’t do well working late at night and are wired with more energy in earlier hours. Take care of yourself and listen to your body. It will thank you later!

4) Don’t skip review sessions

Don’t be that guy/girl who skips out on review sessions. It may seem like a good idea to lay low, but there are usually tons of giveaways from people in class who did well on their tests. Talk with your peers and find out what they know; you might discover that you’re using a different study method than them, which means you won’t get as much out of lecture time as others. If you want to become an exceptional student, use other students for motivation and guidance—not pity.

5) Do not procrastinate

Procrastination is something that a lot of students have in common, but it’s something that you shouldn’t succumb to. Instead, try and learn how not to procrastinate. For example, you can start by getting everything out of your head and onto paper—just make sure it’s relevant so that when you come back with a fresh mind, you know exactly what needs doing next. To lose weight safely but quickly with dieting; I had a hard time losing weight until I cut out junk food and started eating smaller portions throughout the day (such as smaller lunch portions). It helped me lose about 20 pounds over 6 months.The point being that knowing why something works makes it easier for us to remember and take action on in our daily lives.

6) Take notes by hand

Even if you type faster than you write, studies show that taking notes by hand can help you retain information and recall facts. A study from 2012 found that students who took notes by hand performed better on tests than those who typed their notes into laptops. Note-taking isn’t just about recording facts—it’s a chance to reflect on what you are reading or hearing and make connections across different concepts and ideas. During lectures, consider taking notes by hand instead of typing them into your laptop (you could even try using some fun pens!). And remember that typing up your notes later is also a great way to get more studying done in less time!

7) Set aside dedicated time for homework

Students often have busy schedules, whether they’re involved in multiple activities or just taking on a large course load. Though it can be tempting to pull all-nighters and put off studying until you’re already tired, those methods only leave you with less time to actually complete assignments—and high levels of stress. Set aside specific times for homework each week and stick to them; that way, your mind will be prepared when you sit down with work. And try not to put off until tomorrow what could easily be done today! The sooner you finish something, the sooner you can move on to other assignments—and finally get some well-deserved rest.

8) Spend time reviewing material right after class

Leaving everything until that night before a test or project due date is not a good plan, especially for long-term projects. At times you might feel like you have no time to review material at all, but it’s important that you put aside just 30 minutes every day or so. You will probably see your grades soar in as little as two weeks after making an effort to review things daily. As with anything else, consistency is key! The more regularly you do something, the better you’ll get at it. Reviewing material right after class isn’t necessarily any harder than waiting until later and studying in one big chunk—and reviews are more effective because they help solidify information in your memory.

9) Seek help when you need it

If you have a question or you’re stuck on something, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your fellow students, teachers and professors are there to assist—they don’t bite! If you aren’t comfortable in a group setting, find someone privately who can answer your questions. It could be your neighbor, your cousin or even a friend from back home—as long as they are able to help. Once you feel comfortable enough with that person, ask for guidance on other things going on in class and in your life. Asking for help is never a sign of weakness; it shows that you care about succeeding in school—and in life.

10) Reward yourself with breaks at regular intervals

School can be a stressful place for most students, and giving yourself regular breaks throughout your day is crucial. If you don’t give yourself time to re-energize in between periods of intense studying, you’ll never be able to complete that 10-page paper. Get up from your desk every so often and clear your head with a quick walk or snack break. Your mind will thank you when it comes time for exam time! Reward yourself with breaks at regular intervals: School can be a stressful place for most students, and giving yourself regular breaks throughout your day is crucial. If you don’t give yourself time to re-energize in between periods of intense studying, you’ll never be able to complete that 10-page paper.


If you want to become a better student in order to pursue your dreams, then remember that it will take some work. There’s no short cut, but there are several simple things you can do every day that can help. Be realistic about what kind of effort you’re willing and able to put into learning, and push yourself when needed. And most importantly, never give up! Just because you didn’t ace something today doesn’t mean you won’t get it tomorrow.



My name is Akanbi-Muhammad Saheed, a final year student of University of Ilorin. I am an affiliate and information marketer. For the past few months now I've been learning about crypto, getting to know valuable people on steemit, creating contents, supporting and helping this community to grow bigger. It is my ultimate plan to build a solid reach and engagement on Steemit.


 2 years ago 

Thanks for your wonderful tips, continue to be active we appreciate your effort. Moreover you may consider delegating SP for us and always set some percentage reward for campusconnectng. Thank you!


 2 years ago 

Thank you for reviewing my post. I'll dedicate my time to even create better posts and adhere to communitty guidelines.

 2 years ago 

Reading your article shows that you're really intelligent! Nice work keep it up!!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your positive response and i really appreciate that. I'll even work harder and ensure i give my best always.

 2 years ago 

Keep it up

 2 years ago 

A very nice post filled with information necessary for every student

 2 years ago 

I am happy that you enjoyed reading this posts. Thank you for being here.

 2 years ago 

Wow wonderful write-up

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading my post, i am excited.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome bro

Nice write up. Being exceptional is grace. I think I’m an exceptional student😁.

 2 years ago 

Haha, good thing you're an exceptional student. Thank you for your comments.

You are welcome.

 2 years ago 

You do know that some students are regarded as Einstein. In my department today, the smartest students are those who don't even come to class. They are always too busy chasing American Scholarships. They learn most of semester's work during the holidays so they are practically covered

 2 years ago 

Wow, they must be intelligent to be called Einstein. It is different here tho. The smartest students here do not miss class because they know it would have some effects.

 2 years ago 

Great post @steemtopus, we appreciate you for publishing this post in campus connect community.

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