Diabetes|| all you need to know about it|by @starshipsfly|| 10% to campusconnectng

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends. Welcome to my blog once more. I will be discussing yet another health condition which is Diabetes.

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What is Diabetes?

The body structure is so unique, that it has different hormones that serves different purposes. The hormone Insulin which is produced in the pancreas, is in charge of moving away all the sugar in the blood to your body cells where it is used as energy for the body or is stored. Now when your body cannot produce enough insulin needed to carry out this sugar effectively, it causes High blood sugar and this medical condition is known as Diabetes.

You see, the main reason I choose to discuss this topic is that most people think that this disease affects people that are older. But this is wrong! Infact it affects both the young and old, even little kids. So because if the negligence of the younger folks, I would like to create awareness about it.

Effects of Diabetes

  • Diabetes when neglected, causes serious damage to the eyes.

  • It causes liver failure.

  • Diabetes patients have a high chance of having strokes or heart attack abd other cardiac failures

  • Diabetes also causes serious damage to the nervous system.

  • It also affects the limbs and blood vessels.

  • It also affects the body's sense of hearing.

  • It causes depression.

  • It causes skin diseases.

Types of diabetes

  • Type one diabetes also known as insulin dependant, is a type of diabetes that requires that the sufferer takes constant doses of insulin, mainly because enough insulin hormones are not produced in the pancreas.
  • Type two diabetes also known as non-insulin dependant,is when enough insulin hormones are produced, but it is not used effectively in the body. This is caused by having excessive body weight or not engaging in any physical activity like exercising.
  • Gestational diabetes is when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal but lower than other types of diabetes. It occurs mostly in pregnant women. A pregnant woman with gestational diabetes has a high chance of experiencing complications during pregnancy and birth. Both mother and child has a high probability of being diabetes in the coming years.
    Impaired glucose tolerant (IGT) and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG)

Causes of diabetes

Type one diabetes can be caused by genitic factors such as having diabetic parents. That is why this type of Diabetes is also common in children, because it is inherited. It is also developed when their is an error in the immune system. The anti bodies fight off the Insulin hormones instead of diseases causing bacteria and virus, leaving the body with little or no insulin. Being overweight and not engaging in physical activities is one of the causes of type two diabetes. In this case their is insulin but the body is resistant to the action of insulin.

Gestational diabetes is caused due to special hormones that are produced in the placenta during pregnancy. This hormones are produced to sustain the pregnancy and avoid complications. This special hormones are capable of making the body resistant to insulin. Then a little sugar gets to the cells where they are needed while the rest just piles up in your blood stream.

Symptoms of diabetes

  • Fatigue

  • Unusual or increased hunger

  • Weight loss

  • Increase in thirst

  • Blurred vision

  • Hearing impairment.

  • Body sore that take ages to heal

  • Irritability

  • Frequent urinating

Prevention of diabetes

Because the factors surrounding type one diabetes are complicated, it cannot be prevented but type two diabetes, gestational diabetes and pre-diabetes can be prevented

  • Living a healthy lifestyle. When you eat more of healthy foods and less of junks, it reduces your chances of becoming diabetic. Eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains too, is really good for the body because it contains low calories and fats and is rich in nutrients and vitamins that are good for the body.

  • Avoid foods that have contains much calories and fats.

  • Get your body involved with physical activities.
    This will help speed up your body metabolism and burn off excess fats that are not needed in the body.

  • If you have diabetic parents, always check your sugar levels and watch what you consume too.

  • If you are overweight, try and loose some of the extra weight as it will also in turn, reduce your chances of becoming diabetic.

Now I did mention that children also develop diabetes even babies. So as a pregnant mother, take your prenatal visits to the doctor serious so your baby won't be in danger of developing diabetes. Most diabetic children die early because they are insulin dependant, which requires that the take constant doses of insulin.


The age bracket of diabetic patients apart from type one is from 18 years of age. So do not say that because you do not have a diabetic parents you are not at risk. Everyone is involved, so give your health a priority today in order to ensure a smooth learning experience in your various campuses.


 3 years ago 

Wow I lost a relative due to diabetes. It was a really painful Experience atleast now you have educated me on the subject matter, I can avoid it at all costs. Thanks for the update and steem on

 3 years ago 

My grievances for your loss. Am glad that you find this post helpful. Thank you for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

Diabetes mellitus is really a healt issues which is rampant in our today society, This post is a must read for all as it inform us more about this health condition. You made a really good post here.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

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