Coping with stress and anxiety in campus by@starshipsfly

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

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Hello guys. Welcome to my blog once more. This time I will be discussing about coping with stress and anxiety in campus.

What does stress and anxiety entail?

Stress is a situation whereby the body or brain is under pressure. It's is the result of trying to carry out competing tasks that ends up most times, in putting the body and mind in jeopardy. Anxiety is having excessive feelings of fear, being overly worried about a certain can make you feel nervous and frustrated.

You see, your mental health should be your top priority as a student, because once there is a flaw in it, your academic performance is affected.

Causes of stress in school

Some of the causes of stress and anxiety in campus today is meeting up with lecture hours, doing school assignments, examination periods, bullying in school, paying of tuition fees and so on.

Meeting up with lecture hours in campus can be very stressful. Most times the lecture hours can be very early and in the bid to meet up students are deprived of enough rest. Like waking up in extreme time periods in other not to be late that important lecture. Most times students struggle to get into the lecture hall.

Doing School assignments can be very stressful, and when the assignment costs you alot of mark, anxiety kicks in The fear of messing up and failing the assignment or not doing the assignment at all.

Examination periods can be another stressful period for students. Students make various sacrifices to pass their exams like staying up late to study, some refrain from any social activities or even skip meals. Then there is anxiety. The fear of failing the exams, not having enough scores, failing the course, getting kicked out from the school and so on.
All this are situations that causes stress and anxiety in school. Students make various sacrifices, some extreme to make sure they achieve academic success. But when your mental health is neglected, the body and mind is made a minor concern, those dreams are put to a halt.

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Symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Sudden stomachaches.






Loss of appetite



Mood swings


Finding it difficult to concentrate.

Most times when stress and anxiety negilated, it develops into more complicated disorders like

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD)

Social phobia

and so on

How to cope with stress and anxiety in school

Eating healthy foods
Eat less junk. Once your body is in a healthy situation it tends to respond to stress and anxiety in a less harmful always eat good healthy food that is balanced. Also eat fruits frequently too, the vitamins from fruits can do wonders.

Get enough rest
It's true you have a lot mapped out to carry out, or you need to stay up and read for that important exam or do that very important assignment but try and make out time to rest. Have at least 4 hours of sleep and put the body and mind to rest.once in a while take a nap.

Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine

Make out time to exercise
the body regularly

Always pray
Praying to God for strength to face the challenges in school and come out victorious is the most effective so far.
Listen to music.
Not loud music o, calm music that relaxes the mind.

Do the things that makes you happy
Engage in your hobbies, spending time with friends.

Talk to a friend.
Spend time sharing your experiences, the difficulties you face. When you talk about the things you facing it bring a little relieve too. Like a popular saying

"A problem shared
Is a problem half solved"

Make a schedule
Create a schedule on how to make the best use of your time so that your activities won't choke you. Like making a to-do list for the days activities and make sure to also include time for rest.


The challenges that is faced in school that triggers anxiety and stress are too numerous to mention. We should try our best to make sure that the effects of this things to our mental health is reduced by following the due process.As the popular saying goes "wahala no dey finish" so please, take a deep breath and give yourself a break.

Thanks alot for your time


Well said. It was worth reading.

 3 years ago 

Am really glad you took your time to go through. Thanks for visiting my blog

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