LIGO THANATO (son of death) episode 2-part1- MOTHER- by @spyrexsteemCreated with Sketch.

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Previously on “ Son of death”
(Visit link if you missed episode1)


Telos the son of death, a demi god born of a human witch and death itself. Raised in the phathom realm and sent down to train in his father’s work. Since then telos has blended in with modern society. A young brown skinned gentleman perceived to be in his 20s but in fact over thousand years old. What happens next, does he find love? Does he have a change of heart in his line of work? Read on to find out what comes next.

Telos walks into his classroom with a black sleek cashmere suit and a scarf on his neck as the weather had been a bit cold. The classroom is so fancy, as he attends a private university where the wealthy business men and politicians send their children. Of course the classroom setting is a bit fanciful, top class furniture topped in cinema like rows, chandeliers hanging from above, mahogany electronic tables with infused tablets, and a huge flat screen board for learning. Just immediately a man walks into the class, he looks like he is in his 60s, with his wrinkled white skin and is holding a book by hand. He walks down the stairs from the top of the class towards the podium in front.
Good day class, ill be your new lecturer taking over the philosophy 101 class. My name is Mr Nathan dominic. Just then the board behind him is seen automatically typing his name and he looks back at it and smiles “technology aye? He says and the class laughs. He looks towards the class, I really hope we have a fun and lively class, i can see nobilities and many intriguing figures here today, this should be fun.
He turns towards the board as though looking for something that had gone missing and looks back at the class. Just immediately a student at the front row points towards the electric pen by the wall. Oh,, thank you he says and the class laughs again. He picks it up and writes on the board.
What is life? He asks, can anyone tell me?
Dean puts up his hand, okay you there what is life mr nathan points at dean.
Life is the existence of all matter, a creative expression of one self, the positivity of death.
Okay thats good says mr nathan, any more additions.
Why does death have to be negative, a voice from the back came out loud as the whole class stared back at telos. Would you love to add anything to the class? Mr...? Telos , my name is telos. Okay then telos what is your view on life.

Life is a delusion, a borrowed time, a lie to escape from the truth, “and what exactly is the truth? Mr nathan asks. “Death”, telos replies, death is the truth, i mean you live , have kids, work, get rich or poor, and all the achievements just to die at the end. Everyone is afraid of death and pictures death with negative point of view for taking away life. Death is the end goal, death is the end as the end is a beginning . Death is the goal of every man.
The whole class stares confusingly at telos going about his philosophy. Well thats a....uhm distinctive view mr telos, a dark one for sure. A voice yells across the class “NO SHIT” and the whole class bursts into laughter.
After class was over, everyone steps out of the class just as the professor calls out to telos, oh Mr telos may i see you please. Telos walks towards the proffessor, how may i help you nathan?
“Not that i dont respect your views, but is everything alright?
What do you mean professor do i look all wrong ? he responds with a smirk.
I’ve seen people like you before, that being said you need to understand that there is beauty to life, you live to die? true, but those little moments which you consider insignificant are what makes it truly beautiful, love,pleasure,satisfaction,happiness,sadness. Trust me professor, if i ever find such things amazing ill let you know about these beauties you speak of he replies with a sarcasm, just then he looks back just to see Diana picking up her bag and walking out of the class. Oh and also im nothing like the people youve met, he walks out of the conversation just when professor call out “ hey telos, a strange name you know, Telos pauses, and im sure you know what it means. He resumes walking out of the class with a dark smile.
Just outside the class he sees diana and calls her out. Hey there princess, diana stares at him and looks fowards, im not your princess.
Diana is in her usual dark outfit and her straight face look, what a speech you gave today, you may actually give an impression that you’re either sucidal or pyschotic,
well i dont know about that now but definitely none of the above he says with a smile.
So what intrests you about me? Youre a rich spoiled kid, why dont you follow other prettier girls?
Who says im after you he replies smiling.
ohh you see now you’re trying to be smooth, i dont know what you’re talking about miss diana im just having a casual conversation, just as they are outside the school, a limo pulls up right in front of them and a lady steps out of the limo which was opened for her by the driver, shes young looking and beautiful , brown eyes with a light brown skin, her curves and bossoms with perfection not even a world pageant winner could obtain, dressed in a red gown and diamond necklace glittering around he neck, hello mother, telos says.
Wait holy shit, shes your mom? Yes, telos responds with a straight face, she is. Hello sweetie, cleopatra smiles at her son. Oh and who may this be she asks with a smile, shes a student telos responds just immediately, uhm diana ill see you later , I’d love to have a talk with my mother.
Okay then student she responds with a subtle anger in her tone and walks away.

What are you doing here, mother. Oh I cannot come to see my son again? Cut the bullshit mother Its been 500 years, i know you're not here for a chit chat, so what is wrong. Cleopatra looks left and right like they were being and watched and responds, not here , get in the car. They are both inside the car,furnished to the best taste, she pulls out a bottle of bourbon 🥃, and pours a glass for herself and her son.
Your father has gone missing telos, she takes a sip of her drink
what do you mean by missing, i dont know cleopatra responds, he isn’t around anymore, he just dissapeared .
It makes sense now i haven’t been able to feel his presence for a long time now, but there is no way he is dead. I mean that would be the end of the world itself, there is no life without death. Have you spoken with uncle? Life? Cleopatra responds rhetorically, since when have the two ever been in good terms or we either, we have to figure it out ourselves but for now, the world needs you to cover for his place. You’re this worlds deathgod now telos.
You cant be serious, i cant take on such a responsibility, im not ready. Quiet boy, I will be the judge of that she says. By the way, who is the lover? Not important telos replies. Well better keep it that way, we cant afford distractions right now. The world needs us. Yeah ... he stares at his cup .... needs us.....

Episode 2 will be continued on the next chapter. Tune into campus connect for more of this trailer

Visit link to view episode 3
[Episode3] LIGO THANATO (son of death) episode 3- THE JUDGE- by @spyrex




Happy you enjoy it

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