in CampusConnect2 years ago


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Hello to everyone in this wonderful community. hope everyone is doing just fine. today I just want to share with us about the happenings in the world at large and before I do that I just want us to talk about the recent happening ongoing War between various countries alongside a few question that is troubling me. please if you are seeing this article stay and read with me and if posting I want to hear your opinion on this related topic titled War is not the solution. before we go further, I will like to explain some keywords properly.



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War is said to be the state of unrest, large armed conflict that exists between different countries, nations, ethnic groups that involve the attention of military forces. now as seen from the meaning of what war is, it states the conflict between two or more sizeable groups that conflict with each other. that is to say for two or more sizeable groups to conflict with each other there must be a disagreement and since the word agreement does not involve then the word War comes into play.






As simple as this question looks it is tactical, this is what most individuals don't analyze before concluding. now, this is it War have both positive and negative outcome in the sense that, it depends on who is attacking and who is defending . yes, it has a positive outcome in the sense that a country may be fighting for her right and to protect her citizens but the negative outcome always overshadows the positive outcome in the sense that there can never be a war without loss of life, property, investment and lot more. yes, one may say it is better that way provided they keep and maintain what they fight for, now come to think of it what about the innocent lives that war has claimed? what about that innocent baby who is been deprived of his/her parent during a war? what about the infrastructures that took decades to build and now have been destroyed in just a day as a result of the war?. No wonder most countries remain underdeveloped because of trying to rebuild what has been destroyed already. one thing is for sure which is the attack will come from one country before the other retaliates but one thing is for sure War is never the solution be it a positive or a negative outcome.



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Before I talk about how war affects negatively, Let us, first of all, see how it affects the citizens of the countries in question. War has a very bad impact on the lives of its victims, firstly I will like to outline the necessities that are being affected by War

  • Schools - Student lives and future are affected by war, the future is not promised whenever there is unrest in a country, it affects both the citizens and foreigners residing in the affected countries, and as such schools are been halt until further notice. now tell me what is the fate of students that are schooling in that country? so you see both the citizens and other foreigners suffers.

  • Destroys Infrastructures - Basic facilities, services, installations that are needed in other for the country to function properly are destroyed as a result of war and unrest. infrastructures that have been there for decades are destroyed in a day and that halts many activities of the country affected.

  • It Halts and Destroys Technology - Powerful centers that have been established for years will be pulled down as a result of war and rebuilding those centers might take longer than expected. you see instead of channeling that energy and resources to something new we tend to rebuild fallen ideas that is been destroyed in the war

  • It Crumbles Relationship - The relationship between the countries that are at loggerheads will be destroyed and that creates hatred between the respective countries as a result of the war. this often turns to a generation hatred where the children that weren't born at the period of the war will be told the story about what happened in the war and thereby creating hatred for the particular country or country. whether the stories are truthful truth or truthful lies they wouldn't what to know, they take what they have been told as the truth.

  • Crypto world is affected - Take a look at this, whenever there is unrest or War between two or more countries the crypto market also suffers. a typical example of the Russia and Ukraine War Bitcoin dropped so well, Steem also dropped in price and also other cryptocurrencies. so the crypto world also suffers whenever there is conflict as a result f two or more countries fighting. so you see the stability of the crypto world is determined by the event happening in all parts of the world.





If need be, why not settle conflicts amicably? why war? war is never the solution. please let us all embrace peace, war only creates more hatred it never brings peace let us all try as much as we can to put an end to war. war is not something to hope for, it destroys virtually all people have worked for. let us come together and make the world great again. let us all embrace unity and oneness.



This is not just a post, it is a call for peace, let us encourage peace and discourage war. although we are different colors yet we are still one people. let the love abide forever.

Thank you for reading through, hope to see your view in the comment section.



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