THE DIARY GAME | Better Life With Steem: DATE (12 - 04 - 2022)

in CampusConnect2 years ago



Welcome once again guys to my todays diary post. I am so delighted as usual to share with you guys my activities for the day. Today is Teusday which happens to be the 12th day of April 2022. My today's experience is worth writing.


Morning Section


Today I have a wedding program of one of my course mate. This wedding is schedule to take place in Zaki-ibiam a local government in Benue state Nigeria. Though I have been informed about the wedding for a long time and I made a promise to attend. Due to much commitment in school I was unable to go earlier. For that reason, I woke today as early as 4:00am and I joined the bus that was heading to Markudi the capital of Benue state. I arrived Markudi at about 10:00am, and the traditional wedding is schedule to start by 10:00am. I enter another bus to Zaki-Ibiam which spent about two hours before we got to the point of the event.


Afternoon Section


On my arrival to the event scene, I discovered that the program started not long ago so I decided to help out in arranging all that is necessary. The groom in question also was very happy when he saw me in the event. He then asked me to be snapping pictures as the entire event continues. One of the images I took is seen below.



Evening Section


The event actually lasted to this very evening, we finished all the needful at about 6:00pm. I was so exhausted and I needed a whole lot of rest. I went into the house and then I took my bath and then decided to rest my head. While on my bed I decided to pen down the entire activities I have carried out for the day.




The day was really very stressful but to the glory of God everything went well. I am so delighted to see my friend and course mate taking this very bold step, it implies that more better days are coming. As a matter of fact I am really challenge and as it stand right now I am also thinking of same direction. If all things goes well, you will be seeing my invitation soonest as well 🤪🤪🤪🤪.

Thanks for reading...

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your day with us, I wish the couple a happy happy married life and success! Continue to be active in our community we appreciate you 💕



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