in CampusConnect3 years ago
Good evening my fellow steemians I'm back again with today's message for us all and it's a real one so, well I hope it blesses you. Yet again from the same book of mysteries comes this topic the Exodus factor.


The book starts off with the teacher asking his student the meaning of ivrim (in Hebrew) which is Hebrew and that the meaning of Hebrew in Hebrew is "the one who crosses over" hence a very common story was considered which was that of the Israelites leaving egypt.
Now they had to cross the red sea to GET OUT of egypt in order to enter the promised land.
Getting out in it self is holy. A story of Abraham from Genesis 1:12 where God told abraham to leave everything and follow him to the land he would give him.
So many people want to a part of something better, want to be better, want to be at peace but are not willing to part with what's holding them back.
And it ends with the mission asking us " what do you need to part with in order to be a part of today so that you can walk into God's promises"

Bondage my friends is real trust me cause I've been in several myself right from ideologies to addictions etc the Israelites much like my self we're excited at the thrill of being finally free after such a long time in bondage but what we soon realised as you further into the story so that they began to exhibit the traits of slaves even while they were free.
So? That goes to say that the Exodus factor is a mind thing. They were taken out of egypt but Egypt wasn't taken out of them. You can never truly be free until you're free in your mind. And lets face it, some of us enjoy our bondage we want to change but we aren't willing to part with what's holding us back for instance take an ever-so present individual (if you catch my drift) such as myself who wanted to be less present but I wasn't willing to part with certain unhealthy habits that would keep me were I'm at. Currently I'm on a path with God where he's steadily taking me out of myself and my mindsets and into new things. The truth remains ** WHAT YOU'RE WILLING TO PART WITH ULTIMATELY DETERMINES WHAT YOU'RE WILLING TO BE A PART OF**
But then again why do you need God to stop this? Because leaving takes faith friends. Faith in something bigger than us in a purpose or vision bigger than us. And in Christ we are new men( 2 cor 5:17) And thats where the change truly begins from inside

So are you trapped in some sort of bondage today? It might not be easy to go but we just need to believe in Jesus to be our personal Lord and savior and at that, you don't have to enough because he's strength is sufficient in our weakness (2 corinthians 12)

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