CAMPUS CONNECT ENGAGEMENT CONTEST WEEK 4: My Views And Experience Of Campus Hostels And Lodges Around || by @SAHMIE

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone in the #campusconnect community, and thank you to @campusconnectng for this wonderful contest.

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When I gained admission into the University (Niger Delta University precisely), I applied for accommodation on Campus since I couldn't pay for one off-campus, In campus, I had the honour to live among gentlemen my age and older on campus. Campus life was a very different feeling from those at home with family and friends, but I didn't suffer homesickness or loneliness as I was from a boarding school and quickly made friends as I was always cooking in the General Kitchen besides, my family was barely a 40-50 minutes ride away.


There were a lot of fun memories, but as well a lot of down tunes. But all in all, these were the memories that shaped me. Living in the hostel was something I enjoyed as we were allowed to cook our meals using the general kitchen. Plus and minus, some memories were terrible while some were beyond Nigeria-like. Lol 😆


  • I have to share an accommodation designed to suit 4 persons with 4 others, making it 8.

  • The water situation at a time was horrible as we were made to bathe with water that looked Nutri-C (I felt bad for my white towel).

  • The Mosquitoes were monsters ready to fly away with humans.

  • Robbery of properties was the easiest crime to be victim to. You could have 10-15 underwear at the beginning of a semester and go home with just 2 at the end.


  • Light was never an issue in the hostel, which is not Nigeria-like. we had light 23 out of 24 hours every day.

  • It was far less cost when compared to those off-campus. (I know this for sure because I left campus ay year 3)

  • Having a lot of people you could look up to or call brothers.

With all said above, I still had great memories as I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great minds and wonderful humans cooking and eating from the same pot like one big family.


For reference purposes, Niger Delta University (NDU) has about 3 hostels and I was accommodated in the one called Lulu Bridge, so I can't tell if all others are the same. Lulu bridge hostel needs improvement in various areas;

  1. STORES: The hostel is located on the new site of the school, thus isolating it from the main town, therefore making it difficult for students to get access to raw/processed food items.

  2. WATER TREATMENT: Like I said earlier, we were mostly forced to make do with Iron vested water for showers and domestic use, so it would be nice to keep it clean.

  3. SANITARY: This is one other area that requires great improvement by cleaners and students alike. I could remember how the cleaners ignored cleaning our restrooms and kitchen. while students found it hard to clean their rooms.


From my hostel experience, I can say like everything in life comes with its merits and demerits.
Merits include;

SOCIALIZATION: You get to meet people with various characteristics, good or bad and learn to live with them.

CONVENIENCE: In the hostel you don't get disturbed by the various utility bills of those living off-campus and you are closer to your classes too in some cases, therefore you can afford to sleep more.

Demerits come in the feature of;

LACK OF PRIVACY: Hostel makes it difficult to escape from people for the quiet persons who desire space and solitude, dorm life can be a hard transition. Even for those who love to have people around, on-campus housing can be a painful atmosphere.

LESS FREEDOM: Most hostels come with their own rules and regulations which tend to restrict the kind of freedom some seek.

I wish to invite @kinase, @five5 and @yangitu99, and any other persons who would like to participate too to CLICK HERE for instructions.


NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.


 2 years ago 

Thank you, @sahmie for making this quality post in our community today.
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Thank you friend

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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