thediarygame how I spent my day in school

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


hello friends how you all doing I hope things are moving fine and good am so glad and happy to have joined this community and also this is my frist time post in this community I hope am welcomed also I promise to post things that are educative and some that people can learn from things that are so important to humans life firstly I will like to discuss on how I spent my day in school this will be so interesting and funny I really enjoyed my self today at school it was full of fun and also educating

morning section

i normally use to woke up so early to school. today I woke up by 5:00am firstly I observed my morning prayers which I really enjoyed doing so after my morning prayers with my mom and siblings I then went outside and swept the whole compound then by 6:00am I took my bath and start getting ready for school after talking my bath I brush my teeth to prevent tooth odour and decay then I also get my little one ready for school by help them take their bath brush their teeth and also help them were their school uniform then by 6:30am we took our breakfast which was prepared by my lovely mom which was Noddles I really love eating Noddles and that is my favorite food after taking our breakfast I help take my siblings to their own school which was different from my own then by7:00am I reach down to my own school firstly I wore my well ironed uniform and also applied my body cream and perfume then I rushed to school by 7:02 I reaching to my school I saw different students some my class mates and some my junior student than we all welcome each other and went inside the school compound firstly I will like to discuss birefly on how our school look like firstly we have a large compound and also qualify teachers
so today was Friday and so in my school we normally do social gathering and also some sports events the can motivate one today was so nice and I really enjoyed my self to I will like to list some activities the was display in our school today

afternoon section

so by 1:00pm the bell was ranged for many activities firstly I enaged myself in volleyball I love playing volleyball I it's one of my favorite game
I really enjoyed this game I am the best in my school when it come in playing volleyball tournament game I have won an award in competitions that I went for my school so today by 1:00 that volleyball game started and ended in 2:00pm it was really fun also by 2:00pm our school social grathering started this was the most funny place that I love our school comparises of drama from each class dance teaching of social media and also other funny and educative things all the students assembled in the school hall well our school social gathering are normally done so I was really happy and also my class participate on drama acting which was done by our female students


IMG_20220603_141041_2.jpg today was really nice and I really appreciate it our female student wonders also the acted perfectly and many students love that then after 3:00pm the school Bell was ranged for dismissal I am the senior prefect of my school then I help garther the students for dismissal some annocement was made by the school management and staffs then all the students went home excited and happy I really enjoyed my day at school today it was really fun funny and I was so so happy thanks for reading love you guys

 2 years ago 

@richy20, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks



thanks so much I promise to post more interesting topic and also give some beneficiary

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