my diary game: about all we did at school today

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


hello beloves friends how are you all doing I hope all are going well I so much love this community and also it is my favorite community also am always happy to share my diary game here with you all, within some few minutes I will love to discuss on how I spent my day at school it will be very interesting and I hope that you people will enjoy reading it today's school was so exiting and Happy we did many events they was so so interesting such as table tennis volleyball and also social gathering such include many funny drama from each class and also dance by my class mates which was so nice and really enjoyed it


morning dairy

today the weather was very cold and also I was very weak this made me to woke up late today,so by 6:00am I woke up firstly I pray and I reached to take my bath so after bathing I prepared my younger ones then by7:0am I take my break fast then wore my well iron press school uniform so after wearing it I applied my body cream spread my body perfume to avoid body odour so I also help take my younger one to their school and I quickly reached down to my school by 7:30 I was abit late to school so the school management punish me for coming by that time,after receiving the punishment I conducted the school divorsion then by 8:00 lesson/lectures begans all the students went inside their classes and kept quiet


lectures begans

today letures began by 8:00am so in my class our first lecture was on the subject Governmentso under it our topic was aboutfranchisewhich means the right to vote and be voted for our teacher discuss many things about this topic and l learnt many things from it so after the first lecture we spent 45minutes then the second lecture begin so we discussed about marketing board under the subject marketingit was so so interesting also we spent 45minutes then the third lecture begin this was all about the supreme mercyof God under the subject crs this topic was my favorite topic and I really enjoyed the lecture also our teacher discuss many things about the supreme mercy of God and many more so we also spent 45minutes in learning it after the third lecture the fourth lectures begin so we discussed about Edemede letaunder the subject Igbo languagein this topic our teacher discussed on how to write both formal and informal letters in Igbo language it was so so interesting and many of my class mates and me too enjoyed listening at that moment because the class was so interesting after spending 45minutes of learning the bell was rang for break period we also normally spend 45mintes on our Break section

break time

by 11:15am the school Bell was rang for all students to go and enjoy their break period so many students were happy about it so all the students maved to the playing ground to play so me I left my class to the lab where I normally stay and I like staying there because it is always quite and good for reading book and also interesting novel so by11:25am u move to the lab to write many of my notes while so where found reading novels and some sleeping so after staying for some minutes the school bell ranged for social gathering and also for some sports events

after break period

today is Friday so in my school schedule we normally do some activities after break which was sports such as table tennis volleyball game and also social gathering so for me I love doing sports so I went for sports activities firstly I engaged myself in playing table tennis which was one of my favorite game I love doing



it was so nice I love playing table tennis I played with my class mates also I am the best in the school when it comes in playing table tennis also I engaged my in playing volleyball game()
which was so so funny and interesting when I was playing it the game is my favorite game I so much love it and I like playing it

school dismissal


our school normally dismiss all the students by 2:00pm so after engaging in many game and also in our social gathering it was full of fun,so it was exactly 2:00pm the bell was ranged for dismissal so as the senior prefect I helped in gathering all the students to the divorsion ground for some annocement by the school management so after the announcement I lead in some prayers we all prayed and I dismissed them by2:15pm


I really enjoyed my self at school today it was full of fun and excitement, also I learnt many things from our lessons today today was so nice. also I will like to thank you all for taking time to read this interesting diraly game by me I promise to post not only diary but some other interesting post into this my favorite community more regards to you all I love you guys


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thanks I really appreciate

 2 years ago 

@richy20, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect Thanks

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thanks I really appreciate

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