Kinds of lecturers you will find in the University

in CampusConnect2 years ago

The University is a place where you will see different categories of lecturers. In this post, I will mention these categories and what they do. Some lecturers may fall in more than one category.

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1. The assignment lords

They give assignments more than they even teach. Whenever they come to class next, the first thing they demand is their assignment. They never forget it. Woe betides any Student who fails to do their assignment.

2. The mood swingers

This set of lecturers can go from being cheerful to being extremely angry in less than one second. Any little thing can change their mood. They can are capable of abandoning a class all of a sudden. If that happens, student usually know they are in big trouble.

3. The terrorists

They are the strict ones. You dare not talk or even move while they are in class. You dare not blink. Students fear them the most. Even if they ask questions, nobody answers because of fear.

4. The chronic latecomers

This category of lecturers fix lectures and come 2 or more hours late. They feel students have nothing else to do with their time and so it is their right to keep students waiting for them. To make things worse, they give tests when they see that majority of students are absent from the class.

5. The story tellers

They are fond of abandoning their lecture topic to start telling stories. Their lectures include 20% teaching and 80% storytelling. They usually can't help it. It's part of them.

6. The overzealous ones

These ones are too eager about lecturing. They always come to class early, sometimes even before the fixed time for the lecture and the first thing they do is take attendance. They must come to class even if there is a natural disaster. They are capable of swimming an ocean just to come to class. They love nothing more than fixing classes. They also enjoy teaching that they keep students beyond the duration of the lecture.

7. The confusionists

This group always end up confusing the students and confusing themselves when teaching. When they try to explain better, they end up further confusing the students.

8. The exam deceivers

The first set in this category will teach almost everything in their scheme and end up setting what they never taught in exam. Students usually finish very early in their exam because they don't know what to write.
The second set will make students feel like their exam will be very simple and end up setting questions even professors can't answer.

9. The punishers

For this category of lecturers, their offices are usually filled with students who are begging for one form of mercy or the other. They deduct marks from students for the slightest of things. Any student whose face they mark is doomed. They always have a way of finding a scapegoat to punish every time they are in class. They dare not get to class before you.

10. The comedians

This category make students laugh and keep their lectures lively. Students usually enjoy their lectures.

11. The unbothered ones

This type of lecturers talk to only those on the front seat. they don't care if the other students are following or discussing. They usually set wicked exams.

Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago 

U no lie

 2 years ago (edited)

Lolz... I enjoyed reading your post! I have some lecturers with these attributes in my school oo especially those that will teach another thing in class and set another thing in exam and those that fix classes like say na them get students life!

 2 years ago 

OMG! I was laughing all through while reading you, you know what? You describe each category of lecturers perfectly well. Thanks for sharing with us here, and continue to be active we appreciate you 💕 and you may consider delegating SP for campus connect community and we will be paying you weekly delegation reward thanks in advance!


 2 years ago 

Thanks @goodybest. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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