Asthma and the role of schools in helping affected students[10% payout to campus connect]

in CampusConnect2 years ago


Asthma has affected the performance of many students and it should be taken seriously. Affected students can't do certain things their mates are doing and have to be very careful to prevent an asthma attack.

Asthma is a disease of the airways. There is narrowing of the airways as well as inflammation.
In normal circumstances, air moves through the airways to the lungs. In asthma, symptoms develop when there is swelling of the lining of the airways and tightening of the muscles around them. There is also mucus accumulation in the airways. All these reduce the amount of airflow that passes through to the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.


One major symptom of asthma is the whistling sound that happens whenever the person breathes. This is called wheezing.
Some other symptoms one could experience include:

  • Coughing which usually occurs at night or in the mornings.

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chest tightness and pain

  • Fatigue and difficulty talking

  • Difficulty in sleeping

It is important to note that these symptoms may not necessarily be present in all asthma patients. Furthermore, these symptoms may be exacerbated by certain activities the individual might be involved in.

Causes and Triggers

Genetics is a factor. A person is more likely to develop asthma if any of his/her parent has it. Viral infection could also be a cause of asthma.

The common asthma triggers include:

  • Exposure to Allergens
  • Respiratory infections like sinusitis and flu.
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Irritants from the environment like intense odors from chemicals and perfumes
  • Exercise
  • Intense emotions like sadness, anxiety, stress
  • Medications like Aspirin which is a Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drug.


Asthma can be diagnosed by the following means:

  • Physical examination: Your breath sounds can be listen to with a stethoscope by your Doctor. Soon tests can also be done to check for allergic reactions

  • Breathing tests(pulmonary function tests) can be done to check the entry and exit of air in your lungs. Spirometry is a popular example of such test.

  • Health history: Due to the genetic factor, taking the history of the patient would help. If a family member has breathing difficulty, it is possible that you are likely to have the same too.

Treatment/ Management

  • Use of bronchodilators: bronchodilators are medications that make the tightened muscles surrounding the airways to relax. They can be administered orally or injected, but they are commonly administered with an inhaler or nebulizer. They are used to treat sudden onset of asthma.

  • Use of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatories
    These medications help with reduced mucus production and swelling in the airways, thereby easing breathing.

  • Use of anticholinergics: they prevent the muscles around your airways from tightening

  • Use of biologics: this is employed in worse cases of asthma where the patient is unresponsive to other medications. Your immune system will be prevented from causing inflammation.

Measures schools can take to manaage asthma among students

  • Quality health service should be provided for students with asthma and they should ensure that student take their medications especially when necessary.

  • Students who are most affected by asthma should be targeted and identified and appropriate intervention should be provided.

  • The school should properly educate students with asthma and organize awareness campaigns for students, families and even school employees.

  • An environment that is safe and free of asthma triggers should be provided by the school.

 2 years ago 

@oguzvic, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks



This a real life serious issue to those that do have this crisis or even their friends I don't even wish that to my enemy.

Something should be done urgently to help these kind of persons as you rightly said.

Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading @charis20

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