The Steemit Platform Is My Saving Grace.

in CampusConnect2 years ago

Greetings Everyone.


canva designs.

I doubt if there is any life out there that the steemit platform affected negatively, for me the steemit platform changed my life for the better, the steemit platform came through for me at various points of my need.

The Steemit platform is a package of its own, here you can make friends with people from around the globe, learn about Cryptocurrency, learn how to become a writer, and most of all you can earn from the platform. There's a lot of things to keep one glued to the platform, I found my saving grace (steem) and I am not letting go anytime soon.

I have read through testimonies from other users and it motivated me to share mine, the way the platform saved is enough reason to stay glued to the platform.


What If Steemit Never Existed ?


I asked myself a question and this question really rang a bell, what if steemit never Existed I doubt if I will be alive today cause in January I fell seriously ill while in school before the ASUU strike. Once it's night I suffer difficulty in breathing, it's as if mucus were blocking my chest. I immediately called home and told them about the challenge I am facing, they said I have to wait until month end as they had no money on them. I just have to wait for salary to be paid, I shed tears cause I know the pain I was passing through.

Once it gets to 6:00PM I get really scared cause I know how the night was going to be, I will be awake all night struggling for breath, the following day after getting a relief I will then suffer pains on my ribs. My life was a living hell, I endured for two days and could no longer take it, I had to sell all my steem tokens which I used to visit the hospital where I was diagnosed with pneumonia. If steemit never Existed the story would have been a different one, the money from the steemit platform paid my hospital bills.



I might not have made a lot of money from the platform but there are instances where the platform came through for me and even my family, I left school and travelled back home after the commencement of the ASUU strike, I reached home and my baby sister's school was still in session but my parents were yet to pay for her bus fee. They kept sending her home because of the outstanding bus fee, she was missing out on school and all that was happening in school. She will cry her eyes out but my parents paid deaf ears, saying there was no money on ground.

It lingered for about a week and the following week, I sold some steem token and helped pay for her bus fee. My parents asked how I was able to raise such amount of money, I explained to them, and ever since then, even my mom asks me if I have posted 😂.

In so many cases the steemit platform was my saving grace, the steemit platform has boosted my finances to the level I never imagined. I might not have gone far on the platform, but the platform has impacted my life a lot.


I can relate bro. No Nigerian can dispute the fact that this platform is far more profitable than the many online platforms mostly promoted on youtube. I have not a made a significant gain on this platform but the fact remains that is far more promising at the moment.

I recently discovered a platform that has similar prospect as steemit only that it will not yield instantly but you will be at an advantage being one of its early members by the time it attains a significant market cap. Make your research on serey social media blockchain platform.

Wishing you the best bro. Am @tayon

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67519.16
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.68