MY ENTRY: Campus Connect Weekly Contest - Week 14 - How Has Steemit Affected Your Campus Life | by @ofalamin | [10% payout to @campusconnectng]

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Good day Everyone,
My name is Al-amin, on today's article is my #week14contest entry from Campus Connect Weekly Contest - Week 14 - How Has Steemit Affected Your Campus Life, thank you @campusconnectng for the opportunity.


Before I was introduced into Steemit back in September by @jamezmccoy, I had no idea a platform like this existed where I can blog and get paid in STEEM & SBD for each post and being interactive on the platform. Then I had to depend on my folks at home for allowances but after I started my Steemit voyage, now I can fend for myself with little or no support from home.
So writing on the impacts Steemit has had on my Campus Life, I can say Steemit has affected my Campus Life positively in so many ways;

Better Crypto Experience

Since joining Steemit I got to acquire more insight into the cryptocurrency world. Working closely with SBD and Steem now I sit to study their charts, and on the exchange market to pair them with other coins like USD, BTC, BNB. I learnt about different exchange markets like Bittrex and how to use it to buy or sell steem.


Lately, I've been feeling really creative and I've got that creativity motivation. From writing posts to learning how to use markdown styling properly to improving my post cover photo artwork. All these are things that Steemit has actually helped me in developing.

Source of Income

As a student, it's a natural thing to need money on a daily for numerous things. Knowing too much money isn't enough money and that is where Steemit comes in, proving extra funding for me to meet my needs. Steemit has been really helpful when it comes to being an extra source of income for a lot of students on the Steemit platform.


Steemit isn't just a platform where you can blog and earn, it is also a platform that can be utilized for educational purposes. There are various communities with interesting articles that are both educational and interesting which you can apply to different aspects of living. If you're a person that has a reading habit then Steemit is a place to be because not all things can be taught in class, somethings you just have to go learn on your own to broaden your horizons and better yourself.

Contest Skills Development

As a student on campus, you get to encounter different types of contests. Some of these contests aren't school-related. But when you are used to participating in contests on Steemit, you find these other contest challenges easy to figure out with no stress. You know when you keep doing something, you get better at it for sure.
Shout-Out to @disconnect for keeping most of us updated on the latest contests to participate in on Steemit every day.

This is the end of my entry post, Thank you for reading through and I hope you understand how Steemit has affected my Campus Life. Again, I'm thankful to the CampusConnect Community for organizing this contest.

 3 years ago 

This post has been analyzed with the plagiarism detector and we have determined that it is 100% original, congratulations, it is still good content. Thank you for being active in our community.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.12
JST 0.030
BTC 70976.53
ETH 3850.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.48