in CampusConnect2 years ago


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E-learning in a simple definition, its a process of learning through the help of an electronic resources . OR it can also be said to be a type of learning using an electronic media .


In Nigeria today we are really having many issues which are really damaging the educational system .I must say, these issues has to be looked into critically for a positive result.
However these issues is not only affecting the universities in Nigeria but also affects Nigeria as a country, which I believe one of these issues is the non availability of E-learning.
As we all know Nigeria has always been a fan of old culture of learning in the classroom which has not brought any positive result to the universities and to the society at large. Rather it keeps producing Graduates of theories with low knowledge of cyber intelligence. In the world today , especially in they developed countries where e-learning is been encouraged and its been funded heavily for they betterment of they students and also to the universities environment at large, with the help of this type of learning through an electronic media which is typically on internet students are been given more exposure to research and also making learning been much more easy In their comfort zone no matter they condition they country finds its self learning still continues.
Example : During the days of Corona pandemic most developed countries who's universities practice E-learning didn't loose out of learning when they couldn't go back to the classroom ,they still had the availablity to acquire more knowledge from their home with the use of an electronic resources and internet .I must say with these it gave students hope in their education even when things where not going well. But in Nigeria reverse was the case as at that pandemic period many government owned university found it hard to organise a e-learning class ,tho some successfully organised an avenue for e -learning but trust me it was nothing to write home about. People who were incharge the E-learning class had complains of lack of fund and 100percent available of resources , honestly speaking with such complains students had already lost hope on the school authorities and the Government by removing themselves on the platforms meant for the e-learning and waiting till the pandemic is over and going back to their various classroom .
We all know what is happening in UKRAINE today , Do you believe that students in Ukraine till today has been learning through the help of E-learning which I believe have kept hope's alive for their students .. YES!! This is the power of E-learning..
These are some importance /benefits of e-learning to Nigerian universities below if only they government and the universities authority can facilitate it's of use of E-learning.


In most universities in Nigeria today over population has always been a problem in the classroom which is not really commendable health wise.i believe with the help of E-learning students won't suffer from over population they will be able learn in their comfort place at any point in time.most especially for those students have to work to be in school with the help of E-learning they can. Learning in their comfort zone without any stress or worry.


With the number of students in a classroom most students find it more difficult express themselves and also they fail to get a one on one attention on what it's been taught by the lecturer.


With E-learning students will find it easy to earn any degree of their choice without stress of running around the school premises and also it can help in understanding most technical course work so easily by revisiting video practical presentations without stress..
In conclusion I believe with this few writeup about they benefits of E-learning in our different universities, we can understand the positive impact Nigeria universities can get from accepting e-learning and also the impact it can give to the society....

 2 years ago 

The importance of e-learning cannot be overemphasized.

It's massive adoption is greatly recommended

Thanks for going through my post

 2 years ago 

@noskiart, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thank



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