in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

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In every society today CULTISM has always been a thing seen among the youths in every continent of the world which are also guided by some group of well known Elders who don't care about the future of this youths in involved in culstism.
The Genesis of culstism in Nigeria actually started with a noble mindset which it's origin was traced back to the
first secret cult in Nigeria know as the Seadogg confraternity (a.k.a Pyrates), founded by Wole Soyinka who is well reputable individual in the society and six others at the foremost University of Ibadan in the 1952. The seadogg confraternity was very noble and non violent as it was set up then, in the 1980s, till later when the devil took over a wonderful
group into his workshop which metamorphosed into a secret cult whose activities have been characterized by some bizarre and violent activities . At the beginning nobody ever thought that forming such group would later transform to a devils workshop which I will say happened at of lack of discipline in the group and lack of well concrete purpose of forming the group.
Nigeria in particular as been battling with the issue for years which has now gotten to a stage of no return cause as the day goes it it gradually spread like oxygen in our society no only in the universities this act has rendered so many soul and environment so useless and devilish.
This practice has brought so much set back in the universities environment and academic activities ,years back in ABIA STATE UNIVERSITY UTURU when there was high increase of culstism in the school actually it wasn't really a cool thing to remember I must say this issue got into a level that different cult groups engaged in cult slash which to an extent was escalating to neighbouring universities around like Micheal okpara university of agriculture and imo state university .This cult slash went on and on in the process of stopping academic activities and increase in death on a daily basis which was very sad to hear about.
The states Government and school government had to hit the head on the nail by making sure the scrap out such devilish activities in school which they succeeded in doing in a scale of 75%, though I can still tell you cult activities are still going on till date in this Schools but in a low rate .


They are many causes of culstism which the government, parents and guardians has to look into in the reduction of culstism .
As a living thing we are all social being and we are influenced by our environment , it as been in record that 50% of youths who are involved in culstism was as a result of the environment they grew up . parents are advised to be conscious on the type of environment the live with their children because no matter disciplined you think you are you might be influenced by heredity and it's environment.
When we are talk about peer influence this in also one of the problems we see face in our environment which if students are not care they are force to join culstism because of his or her peers are involved in such act .
When students who lives in an environment where culstism is the talk of the day and with they environment not having security to protect students , the students at of fear are pushed to join a cult group for his/her own protection as they believe when you're with them you are protected,which is a very bad and wrong ideology.
They Government should try in providing 100% security in every society which I can say can bring a safe environment for young children to grow in to avoid exposing them to a wrong path of life. I believe these causes listed are like the mean concept of causes if culstism in our Nigerian universities today .

Effects of Cultism in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions

Talking about effects there is always an effect in every negative things especially when talking about Cultism . Cultism has never brought good to Nigerian universities and society at large rather it has just been bringing sorrows upon sorrow yielding criminals and corrupt individuals and leaders in our society , starting from the students university Government union most their own presidents are members of secret cults in campus which makes him/her working for the group indirectly and not working For students who his supposed to be serving . In this process there's a high risk of having a bad government in the union mismanaging funds just to favour his cult.which such act also plays the same scenario in the Nigerian Government . Honestly this act of Cultism has rendered Nigerian universities and Nigeria at large so useless that leaders who are involved in this acts won't even wish to end it .


Over decade's now actions has been taken to make such there is no room for culstism but it seems to be in vain in some society cause people ruling them are also members which won't be possible eradicating them totally. Contributions are been made on daily basis by well known Nigerian on how to eradicate culstism.

  • Awareness:
    In every schools starring from primary to the tertiary institutions awareness has to be made on culstism letting students to understand the risks involved in it especially in them and to the society.
  • Proper investigation have to be made on and Aspiring leader on his background on whether is or was a member of any secret cult, with this I think it will help.
  • Conducive environment:
    When our environment it's 100% secured I believe risk of our youths and students joining secret cults protection would be low though most of our security personnel are also members of some secret cults which they are responsible of helping them in committing their evil acts in the society.
  • Family Background:
    Where you're coming from actually defines who you are no matter how you put it most uncultured family tends to yield children with very bad and unaccepted behaviour in the society . In this case I can testify I know of a family where father of the house is an ex member of BLACK AXE CONFRATERNITY which he proudly encourages his children in doing all sort of illegal act you can think of which is very bad.
    In conclusion a word is enough for the wise Cultism is never an option as a student .



Thank you so much I appreciate

 2 years ago 

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Thank for notifying me on this I appreciate.
I promise not to part take in such act

 2 years ago 

Cultism was supposed to be protecting students in the universities but it's now the other way round

That is how the devil works he tries his best to take over good things

 2 years ago 


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