in CampusConnect3 years ago


Good evening my fellow steemitians as you all know me your favourite artist @noskiart,Am glad to be part of this contest and also proud to be a member of this wonderful community@campusconnect also great to steemit for giving Nigerian students like me to earn and express themselves.



Am a student of MICHEAL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE UMUDIKE ( MOUAU) umuahia as you all read from my last post on the last contest conducted in this community I vividly stated my school geographical location and other interesting things. And also there are some problems which my school has and other Nigerian universities has which I will will be giving point below and how it should be solved .

Cost of education:

(MOUAU)has tried in its capability in the cost of education although the federal government aren't doing anything about it which is too bad for our country.frkm my own point of view the cost of education in my school is nothing to write home about,as at 2014tgr school cost of education was to suitable for students and lecturers lately on the educational cost started changing back to a very bad way that students started dropping out not because of their tired of education but because of the cost of everything in school became to costly that an average student couldn't afford especially school fees and acceptance fee for new students in their 100level but by God's grace things are gradually falling back to place because another vice chancellor was appointed which he resumed office on the 29tg of march 2021 and from the situation in ground he has tried to put things back in place by reducing students acceptance from 50 thousand naira to 40 thousand naira which I believe students can now afford but I still suggest that it should be. Also reduced to 25 thousand naira because from the economic stat in Nigeria today things are not going to well and people now find it difficult to eat talk less of providing money for education.


The school government has also tried it this aspect and also failed especially in the two listed below.
LACK OF LECTURE HALLS:The school has few lecture halls which has really caused the students alot of damages in all ramifications am campaigns has been organised to create awareness to the school government that the student are not happy about this situation I believe this has made the school government to something about it now their is an on going construction going on for new lecture halls.
I pray the school government will try their best in constructing not less than 10 lecture halls because of this COVID 19 situation we are facing and with availability of. More lecture halls Social distancing will be more practiced in the school community.

They school has been trying their best in these sector but it seems the present school government doesn't care about it especially when it comes to the school stadiums maintenance.
The school stadium occupies audience of not less than 900 students at it is situated at a very accessible area but the school has failed to create a good maintenance culture especially not trying to replant new grasses in the football pitch as an agricultural school this should be a problem to them so I expect the school management to try and look into this little things which I believe if done this will attract good things in the school sports sector .

competent lecturers and better Departmental procedures.

In Nigeria universities today lecturers are usually know to be incompetent in their duties because of lack of payment of allowance and salary by the federal government nevertheless in my school is opposite In my school lecturers try in their own capacity to make sure students are not left aside in all ramifications especially when it come to my department Agricultural engineering and also engineering college at large lecturers try at their very possible to make sure students are exposed in the field of engineering by making sure engineering students has this basis knowledge of mathematics (maths 112) in their 100level of study and also in their 300 level/200level Thier exposed to understand the importance of engineering mathematics and engineering drawing because as an engineer one is expected to have the knowledge and ability to make a technical blue print of a machine or objects been used in our everyday life.i must say I really commend them on that.


In our society today governess has been so decade or destroyed even at the university my school the student union government has failed in its capability in making sure that the students voice are been heard nevertheless students on just own has tried it's best in making their voices to bee Heard by conducting serious protest against the present students Union government president which at the process the school management has been able to know he has been shifting students funds to his pocket and because of this act he was suspended ,by God's grace another students Union government election will be conducted by next month to elect a way competent and well reasonable SUG president that can be the voice of the students.
I know with these few points of mine and problems listed in my school and also how to change them I know with that my school will flourish to a higher level.

Greatest umudyke GREAT!!!!✌️

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