CAMPUS CONNECT ENGAGEMENT CONTEST WEEK4-My view and experience of campus hostels and lodges Around.

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


Good evening , afternoon and morning depending on your place of domicile greet you all @campusconnect as you all Read through my entry.

Which did you do when you gained admission on campus did you reside in the school hostel or not?

At first Gaining admission into my present university was a dream come through because I have always wanted to be their. I was told how the school was in all ramifications ,which was so interesting to hear, perhaps talking about the accomodation accept in the school .
Actually the school always made it a must for every new student to be in the school hostel while the old once could stay off campus. For me I have always known that I was going to be in the hostel when I get admission to university because where I come from my parents were actually a fan of hostel which made me spend all my days in secondary school in the school hostel which I will say had a positive and negative effect on me . perhaps didn't make me see the university hostel as a new thing in my life as at that time.

WHAT IS THE REASON BEHIND YOUR CHOICES (Why and why not did you pick the school hostel.


Well like I said earlier I already knew that I was going to stay in the hostel. Which had so many reasons behind it ,which one was that in my school as a new student we were told that without paying for hostel we can't pay for school fees, which made so many students to pay up for the hostel so they could proceed with their registrations.
As we all know with the current situation in this country Nigeria no one would like to pay for what he/she won't use so I will say this made me and so many of others to stay at the hostel.perphas I was before gaining admission into the school I had already know that I will stay in the school hostel, like I said before my parents are big fan of seeing students stay in the school hostel which actually started from my secondary school like I said earlier. Lastly I would say personally, I chose to be in the hostel as a new student because before I gained admission many of my senior colleagues who lived in the same neighborhood where I stay at home adviced me on the importance of staying in the school hostel in my first year which I was told as a new student staying in school hostel will help me to understand the type of students in school and also expose me to different behaviour from different students which might have positive and negative effect on me . Which I definitely understood because its actually part of life experiencing positive and negative behaviour which we have the ability to choose between the two which way to follow.


As a new student and as a student who already has experienced life in a school hostel though it was in secondary school , I didn't find it difficult or I should say I didn't see it as an obstacle or any other thing but I always had it in mind that I was about to have so many experiences as at that time .
My number one experience was that I got so sick immediately I started drinking the hostel Tap water on my first the in school, which I wasn't aware that the water wasn't good for drinking. well I would say I drank the water at of ignorance because in my secondary i normally drink hostel tap water which I didn't get sick as I got in the university hostel.
I must say, me been sick on the 1st week of resumption was unbelievable to me because I never taught such thing could happen to me.which after that I went home for a proper treatment . Another experience I had was when my room got robbed by an unknown person which me and my roommates were sleeping on a faithful night in our room which was locked properly, but to no avail . unfortunately the next morning three of my roommate were complaining about their missing which luckily I was the only one who's phone was not stolen.
Honestly it was like a shock and a miracle to me that I couldn't explain how such thing would have happened even with our door being locked. Any where I found my self I always like to share my first experience visiting a stream in my live which happened in my days in the school hostel . I know so many reading this will be wondering what took me to the school stream well after the first month of resumption the school hostel had this serious water scarcity that lasted for weeks which students had no choice than to go to a near by stream in the school premises which was actually unhealthy and fun as well.Lastly me being the hostel really exposed me to many positive things like it made me understand that with my talent I could be making money even in school and at home .I m


In every environment we live and go there is always something that we miss and also brings good memories to us.well I really enjoyed my stay in the hostel though if I'm given the opportunity to go back I wouldn't because it's not really a place where you advise people to stay all through their years in school.


Like I said from the Genesis of my stay in the hostel I got sick from drinking the hostel unhealthy tap water whiy really brought down. For the development of the hostel and we'll being of the students ,it would be good seeing a proper treatment of the hostel Tap water. Which can be good for consumption.
In my school hostel, I must say the school management has to learn good habit of proper management of the hostel facilities like the sewage system and the electrical connection which I must say are nothing to write home about ,which I believe if time is not take it could take lives of students living in their.
In every environment we find ourselves it always has an advantage and disadvantage to our life ,likewise in my school hostel and from what I experienced in the hostel .


  • I believe staying in hostel helps us in exposure about the school and the calibre of people we are yet to meet in the future.

  • Staying in school hostel also helps in accessibility of going anywhere in the school and also the cost of living inside the school is made In a way students can afford few things they need .
    *Lastly living in the school hostel is safe because most times we always safe from external enemies from outside the school though we still have cases of robbery and attack by our fellow students.

    They're many disadvantages living in the school hostel but I will list out few .

  • Actually being in the hostel we always have this lack of privacy we need as a person especially with the number of students in a room no one can definitely have his or her own privacy.

  • In my school poor hygiene in the hostel has always been a thing that has been so difficult to tackle even with the high number of cleaners the hostel still looks messed up which I believe makes students sick almost every month.

  • Lastly poor management : these has always been a case both in the society and in the school hostels most especially boys hostel ,the school management always fail to understand the importance of fine and proper maintenance of the hostel facilities.
    These act has kept many life's of students in danger .
    *In conclusion I would say it is very necessary as a new student on campus to be in the Hostel which I believe would help in building him/her for obstacles ahead of life.

I would love to invite you to this wonderful and interesting contest.

 2 years ago (edited)

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