Professionalization of microbiology and its major pros in NIGERIA|| By @mukky23|| 10% to campusconnect

in CampusConnect2 years ago
Good day everyone. Trust that everyone is doing well? I remain @mukky23 and in this article today I would he talking about microbiology and how it is not given it's due importance in our varsities and the country at large.

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It is no news to us that alot of courses we study in the university aren't taken seriously especially in developing countries. One of those courses is Microbiology. Microbiology is a very important field as It provides understanding of the microbial world which in turn helps to further understand, diagnose detect,treat,prevent and to protect against harm caused by some of the microbes in the environment.

In Nigeria microbiology is not considered a professional course even though it plays countless roles particularly in medicine, pharmacy, diary, industry, clinical research, water industry, agriculture, chemical technology and nanotechnological industries. Countless microbiologists are roaming about jobless as they have not been given the much needed recognition they deserve. The lack of professionalization of microbiology in Nigeria affects medical microbiology the most although other sectors of microbiology are also affected.

What should be done In order to tackle this dilemma

  • Firstly if the Nigerian government professionalizes microbiology it will help generate more revenue for the government, if we take a look back at 2019 when the notorious covid 19 ravaged the entire world other countries where able to apply the knowledge of microbiologists to produce an effective vaccine for the virus there by selling it to other countries and generating revenue, on the other hand Nigeria had to buy the vaccine because of it's weak microbiological sector that lacks funding and other basic amenities in other for it to flourish.

  • Secondly, which is one of the most important advantage of professionalizong microbiology is that it will create alot of job opportunities for microbiologists out there striving to earn a living by working as teachers and bankers where they are grossly underpaid.

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  • Furthermore, professionalization of microbiology will encourage medical breakthroughs in Nigeria because every disease on this earth is caused by a microorganism therefore, proper funding of researchs will aid microbiologists to study and find cures and ways of preventing some of the disease we as Nigerians suffer.


Professionalization of microbiology will propeller my dreams, hopes and aspirations as an undergraduate of microbiology who Hope's to educate others and prevent out breaks all around the world making it a better place.

 2 years ago 

Microbiology is really an interesting course but it is not an easy one. It's broad study of microbes makes it a very difficult course to study

LoL... It definitely is a hard one to crack which is why it should be given alot of recognition for it's importance. Thank you for stopping by.

 2 years ago 

@mukky23, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect , Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thank



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