Effects Of Drug Abuse On Campus By @mukky23|| 50% Beneficiary to campus connect

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)
Hello steemians. Hope everyone is doing okay and hope the holidays is going as planned? As we eat and laugh our way through the holidays, let's not forget schools are about to resume. Today I'll be writing an article about the effect of drug use on campus. Let's get right into it.

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Being a student comes with alot of freedom, especially when you're studying far from home. These gives you the opportunity to make decisions for yourself. Now this is were things get tricky. Most of us tend to abuse these freedom not knowing that whatever decision you make, good or bad, has an effect on your future. Bad decisions most students tend to make are doing drugs and engaging in rampant sexual activities, but today we'll be focusing on the "doing drugs " section.


Doing drugs has become a normal Activity on our campus these days. Infact, those involved in it have been tagged as the "cool ones" on campus. Doing drugs has a very terrible effect on our campus life and life outside capmus as well. Here are few bad effects of drugs on campus:


Poor Academic Performance


This is a very obvious one. When you start doing drugs, it tends to mess up with your school performance. You stop attending classes, you stop doing assignments, you stop studying for an up coming test or exams. In general you loose Intrest in anything that has to do with academic activities which in the long run might lead to graduating with a bad result or worst case scenario, getting withdrawn from the University.


Participating in illegal activities

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There are actually levels to this doing drugs of a thing but once you get addicted to it, you can do anything to get your hands on it. People go to great lengths like stealing in order to get drugs. In the process of engaging in such illegal activities, one might get caught by the authorities and by then, it's literally game over. The best thing to do is not to engage in it from the start because drugs do ruins lives.


Damage to ones health

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Drugs can have serious effect on ones health. How serious? Life threatening serious. Drug abuse can cause mental health issues, cancer, hepatitis, respiratory deficits, kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases and worst case scenario, death. Most of these drugs aren't even legal and we consume a huge amount of it into our system just to get a rush or a feeling that won't even last upto an hour or two but in the process causing our health a life time supply of damages.



As a student, doing drugs isn't something you'd ever want to consider. If you want to leave a healthy life and graduate with flying colors, you'll really be doing yourself a favor by staying away from drugs. It would be a good idea if an awareness camping would be set up in every institution to educate students on the effects of drug Abuse. Thank you all for reading through and happy holidays.

 3 years ago 

@mukky23 Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

 3 years ago (edited)

Hello, dearest friend, thanks for sharing such a useful content.
We appreciate you and hope to read more of your post in @campusconnectng

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