Campus Diary: The youth empowerment conference

in CampusConnect2 years ago
Hello Steemians and bloggers of #campusconnect. I bring to you another session of my diary. I was up early to go About my daily activities in order to make it early on campus for a youth empowerment conference I was invited to. I finished my chores, had my bath then took some chips as breakfast cause I didn't want to be late. This conference was an opportunity for me to meet and connect with great minds and innovators.

I got into a cab and reached the university campus at about 10:30 am. That was me being prompt😊. The event was holding at The American Corner in our library building and so I made my way there.
The campus was quite empty as expected cause everyone is on semester break.
I got to the American Corner and I was handed a neck badge and some writing material before I was ushered in.

I was really excited when i walked in cause the first speaker had just been introduced and she was non other than our legendary Chief librarian.

She was an icon given that she had single handedly fought for the creation of the American Corner in our library and she also brought YALI into our lives.
She spoke briefly on disciplining the mind in order to achieve goals. I was indeed inspired.
The conference went on with lots of other great speakers like the founder of SUMITECH Africa and the FALA star price winner who is also founder of NERVTECH Cameroon..

After the conference ended, we had a talk with some YALI west Africa alumni who were coincidentally visiting campus on that day. I was on the moon I swear. They introduced us to many opportunities for young Africans that could take me a long way in life.
After everything, we had some group pictures taken to immortalize the moment .
MyMy day on campus was a very fruitful one and I'm glad I could be a part of the conference.

Thanks for reading 😊🙏..

 2 years ago 

@metagejacy, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

Thanks for your kind response.

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