Campus Contest week 17: Challenges Faced As a Student On Campus| by @metugejacy20

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Hello steemians. I'm glad I can be able to share my views of this topic with you all. Life on campus is not a bed of roses but everyday we struggle with these challenges to thrive and overcome. Some of these challenges are as follows;
  • Tribalism from Francophones: As a student in Cameroon, a country with 2 different languages, there's an obvious discrimination between the French and English people. I am an anglophone, and I study in an Anglo-Saxon university. But the Francophones have managed to sink their way into the university as lecturers, heads of departments, Deans and many other posts of responsibility.

Some of these lecturers practice tribalism making sure to protect the interests of their fellow Francophones while we the anglophones are neglected.

  • As a female student:
    As a female, dealing with male lecturers who have some sort of attraction towards you is hard. It's not easy to say no to their ungodly requests of dating and sex and live with it. They always find a way to keep me out of class as punishment or give me bad grades.
    One time a lecturer refused to Grade my laboratory practical manual just because I refused to ride with him I his car.

  • Time management:
    The aspect of time management has also been a major challenge for me. As a student, I have needs but unfortunately my parents were onmy able to cover 80% of these needs. I had to get a side hustle which was a job far away from Campus. I would have to come late to class cause campus is too far away and walking to class from the main gate would take me a good 10 to 15 minutes on some days. I had to stay out of some lectures cause the lecturer had a 'No late Coming' policy.
    The aspect of time management also applied to me having way too many hours of lecture and practicals to the point where I barely had time to study for exams. Leaving home at 6:30 am to return at 8pm was a major characteristic of my schedule.

  • Lack of a proper study environment:
    On my campus, we have a very big library well stocked with books and necessary study material, arranged according to their respective courses. But this was one of the worst placed to study in. It was always so noisy during the day and it isn't open till late at night. Students would come in to study and start in silence but whenever a study group comes in (which is often), they would start arguing too loudly and sometimes fight, this caused so much distraction to some of us who truly just want some peace and quiet in order to atudy. The librarian would try to stop this but it was in vain. It was hard to study outside cause the sun is either too hot or it's raining, depending on the season.
    I had to start climbing roof tops of buildings in order to study in peace and that was really difficult.

These are some of the challenges I faced on campus.

Thanks for reading 😊🙏😊..

 3 years ago 

I think the school should implement more stricter measures in limited the noise to the barest minimum. Or better still, build a sound proof room separately for study groups.

You're right about that

 3 years ago 

@metugejacy20 Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

Tge pleasure is all mine. Thanks for stopping by

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