CampusConnect Weekly Contest - Week 18 : Looking Back At 2021

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)


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CampusConnect Weekly Contest - Week 18 : Looking Back At 2021


Looking back 2021 I can say it's a year full of challenges but like they say

How a man fall does not matter, it's how he stood up that really matters.

I will like to translate to it to my language Igbo

Otú mmadụ si daa adịghị mkpa, ọ bụ otú o si guzoro ka ihe kacha mkpa.

First of all I want to thank God almighty for leading me and my family all through the years, it wasn't easy at all facing my biggest challenge and most importantly I want to thank my parents for providing the financial support and advice I need. My friends which have been there for me since the beginning of the year tolerating my stubbornness, your efforts and are never to be forgotten. It's never been easy after staying indoors because of the lockdown, finally coming out to a confused world, I had to adapt to the new normal, new ways of doing things.

I returned to school earlier this year after the lockdown (University of Nigeria Nsukka), with alot of work ahead of me because my academic calendar was jam packed because the school system wants to finish up the calendar year of 2020 which was halt because of the lockdown. We had to take four semester exams in a year, I can tell you that it wasn't easy jumping from exams to the other likewise jumping from lectures and practicals to the other. The new system of teaching and communication changed, social interaction was done at a distance and face mask was also compulsory which everyone had no other choice to adapt to the new normal.

That's me in school, well all I can say is thank God for guiding me through those of writing exams.


At the beginning of the year I told myself that at the end of the year I want to have three different source of income which by the grace of God I have fullfiled and I'm contendered with them. I started my steemit journey at the middle of the year which I'm grateful to @sonofremi for introducing me into the steemit world, which wasn't an easy journey at all, there were times I wanted to give up, there were times I had to humble myself just to get what I want, but thank God my handwork is finally paying out. I also started to invest in cryptocurrency which I had no Idea of, I took classes and I can say I have known to some extent some things about cryptocurrency, which i invested alittle last year and my return by the end of year wasn't bad at all . I hope to invest more next this coming year. I also took some class in forex which I can say I'm not that perfect in it but at least I can make out some dollars from it. By the grace of God and with the knowledge I have, I think I will be breaking grounds by next year.

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2021 have thought me alot and I have learnt alot from it too, alot of betrayals but still I'm grateful for the friends I made also. But all I can say is that 2022 will be life turning event for me. I like who I become.

A big shout to Family and friends for being there for me through out the year, I really cherish and value you guys. To my mentors, those that go out of their way just for my personal development, I thank you all.


Me today at my Aunty's Odu ceremony.

Thank you for reading


 3 years ago 

Hello, dearest friend, thanks for sharing such a useful content.
We appreciate you and hope to read more of your post in @campusconnectng

 3 years ago 

Thanks boss

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