in CampusConnect2 years ago

Hey everyone,

I'm glad to be a member of this community and today I would like us to talk on the truth about being a college graduate.


Every undergraduate long to graduate and while most of them doesn't even have a clue on what to do after graduating, some believe it will become clear afterwards.

Additionally, they claimed that as soon as you crossed the stage, opportunity would begin banging on your door and kicking open. That moment when you hold your false diploma and grin for the corny handshake shot, you'll suddenly feel and look like a fully realized, successful, educated, real-life adult with all of your plans well laid out.

However, the reality is different, as anyone with a college degree from the last ten years knows. You don't put on your graduation hat and gown and shrug off responsibility, suddenly know how to file taxes, and know how to pay off loan debt. You don't instantly understand what you're doing with your life after passing your last exam. For the upcoming six months, you don't even know what you're doing.


Harsh truth about being a graduate

Those who are fortunate enough to have accepted a job are now prepared for the temporary. You have some form of a plan, but you've been taught not to put your faith in anything's stability in the absence of tenure, job security, or any other kind of stability in an environment with intense competition. Cynical? Maybe. Definitely the truth.
Being a recent college graduate means you are currently in limbo, which is a tough truth. Your age suddenly makes you unfit to attend college parties. While this doesn't exclude you from going to them, your perspective has shifted all of a sudden. You have things to do that don't include getting drunk on a Monday night, including job searching, getting up early for the low-paying part-time work you took while waiting to start a "real career," and other such obligations. Nevertheless, you want to attend college parties. You miss those late nights spent with your closest friends, drinking godawful Jagerbombs at 2AM and texting your crush for a ride home while inebriated. This is premature nostalgia.

You're in need of someone to pregame with, get dressed with, and go out with because all of your buddies are either still in school or have graduated, moved away (or not), started their lives (or are feigning to start their lives), or all of the above. As a result, you track all of their Snapstories online to find out who they're hanging out with, who else is at the party, and whether they're missing you.

But there is also a part of you that laughs. You left the collegiate scene because you've grown up, changed, and evolved. You had your share of fun, including flirting shamelessly with the bartender, dating and kissing that cute lad, staying up late to eat a ton of pizza and breadsticks, and dancing in heels with your girlfriends till your legs practically fell off. Although you won't forget those times, you have moved on to other ideas. When you were that broken, terrible college sophomore living off indomie noodles and spicy sauce, obligations, responsibilities, grownup enjoyment, and other things were things you could never afford or even imagine up.

But you remain in a state of limbo. You have a long list of obligations that you are expected to fulfill. You should obtain that position, relocate, go to work, earn money, achieve success, date, marry, and have children. or a phrase similar to that And you're not even close. (Which, incidentally, is fine. while you're making an effort to gather your act together.)

Then comes the dawning understanding that this is it; this is life. And you're enthused about the opportunities, the locations you could visit, the professions you could take, and the prospective partners who might be wandering the world, musing about the potential you. There is no end to the future. however terrible.

The post-graduate world is peculiar. You're not really sure who you want to be, and you're not sure who people expect you to be. You're doing everything you can to figure it all out, land that ideal job, find a place to call home and build a future for yourself.

Your education is valuable, that much is true. Yes, there are a plethora of opportunities available to you. But it still isn't any simpler as a result. College graduation is a different journey than college itself. In addition, you need a map, your heart for when you toss your map out the window, endurance, faith, and hard work for any voyage.

In time, you'll succeed. Just some time is needed and a few months that made you wonder who you really are.


10% to @campusconnectng

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