Campus Connect Weekly Contest- Week 17- Challenges As A Student On Your Campus Written by @lazbless 5% Payout to @campusconnect

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Image source @campusconnect

Greetings great students of this unique community. First of all, I'm happy to be here and I'm also happy to participate in this contest. Thank you @campusconnect for giving me the opportunity to participate in this contest.


I'll love to be so personal about this contest so in this case, I'll use my own campus which is the University of Uyo, Town campus and and the challenges I've been facing personally and some of the challenges faced generally by the students.

Before I start, I'll like to apologise for not using appropriate pictures to back up my points, reason being that we're on holiday so even if I should go to the school now, I won't still see a good scenerio.

The following are some of the challenges I do face in campus as a student;

  • Adapting to a New environment as a student.

When I was first admitted into the school, it was totally a new world to me and I believe this is also the same with me very newly admitted students. I went through the problems of trying to locate one venue or the other, problem of trying to mix up or blend with the new people I met.

  • Clashes Of Venue:

This occur where a particular venue is been allocated to more than one department at the same time. Sometimes as we're waiting for our lecturer in the venue which was allocated to us, another department will come in with their lecturer and claim we're in their venue, they'll bring the prove from the timetable and with this, we'll leave the venue to look for another which might lead to the lecture not holding for that day. Sometimes, in The middle of a lecture, another group of students with their lecturer will walk in claiming we're in their venue and this most times do lead to the end of some lectures as our lecturer will want to leave the venue.

  • Cancellation of lectures without proper information:

This is another serious challenge to me and to other students especially those coming from a far distance. There was a time I stayed at a distance I'll be paying 200 naira to school and 200 naira back home and sometimes I'll end up paying my way to school just to discover on arrival that the lecture has been cancelled, the feelings is always very terrible and it's always annoying.

  • Overcrowded/Inconvenient lecture Halls:

This particular challenge ehhhn, imagine a sit containing 5 students in a sit that was meant for from 2-3 students. Sometimes the hall will be very hot and people will just be sweating together with the tight sitting. When is like this, I'll just lose concentration and it affects me because at the end of the end of the day, I might get to understand little or nothing of what was being taught.

  • Impromptu Test:

In this particular challenge, someone might say;

As a student you need to be prepared always

But personally I disagree with it because sometimes you read, not to write test and if a lecturer happens to just come in and give a test, everything will evaporate from your head because of sometimes the surprise or because when you were reading, you were not reading to write a test the next morning.

  • Unseriousness of some Students during lectures

I find this particular challenge so annoying because these are the same students who will be disturbing you in the hall during test or exams asking you questions up and down but what were they doing during lectures? Sometimes they'll bring out this "I don't care attitude" which is sometimes discussing or playing with their phones during lectures there by distracting you from what is going on.

  • Lack of Appropriate materials/instruments needed during lecture.

In a crowded lecture Halls, I believe there should be a public address system but sometimes we don't see it and this always leads to difficulty in hearing what is being lectured especially with a lecturer who has a small voice.

Secondly, sometimes the whiteboard is in a state that can't be used. This happens when some things can't be cleared from the board.

  • Lack of finances

This is my last but most important challenge in the campus because as student I need the appropriate finance to back me up. Sometimes I won't have money to photocopy materials or get text books which is not helpful to me as a student. Sometimes I'll be hungry but no money to feed on and as they saying will go;

An hungry student is a distracted student, lolz

And I'll also say that school is sweet when there's money but when there's no money, everyone knows what will happen


I don't think it's possible to go through the four walls of the university without encountering any challenge but sometimes I do wish some of the challenges can be avoided. Whatsoever the case maybe, we'll always overcome if we maintain a positive mind, maintain focus and strife harder.

Best regards to @campusconnect

Know me more

 3 years ago 

Nice reading about your campus challenges. In all these, what do you think could help cushion these challenges. Is there a way these challenges can be aired so it gets to the school administration?

Nice question dear friend. Well.., I'll say that the administration are aware of all these challenges. Maybe they are working towards it. Who knows 🤷‍♂️.

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