Suicidal thoughts of students by @ladyofpolicy

in CampusConnect3 years ago



Greetings my wonderful friends, how are you all doing today?? I believe everyone is doing great. Today I received a call from one of my friend in Uyo and from the call she was in the school clinic because tried commiting suicide. Well, it's not a new story as similar stories often popped up on our phones each time we turn on our phones, so with regards to that I came up with the concept of making this post in order to share with the greatest Nigeria students, happy reading.

What is suicidal thoughts

When we talk about suicide, it simply means one taking away his or her own life and thought on its own simply means the feelings or things that enters ones mind.

Once a feeling or something hit someone's mind the person begins to think about such thing and that feelings turns to the person's thought.

So suicidal thoughts are this dirty and crazy thoughts or feelings which makes people to think of how to end his or her own life. Wow, this is becoming to bad in our present day especially in the higher institutions where there are too many competitions amongst the students

A friend of mine was rushed to the school clinic in her school in Uyo because she took some pills to end her life but luckily she was discovered on time and she didn't die. So when asked why she did was she did she gave numerous reasons like;
• Everybody is better than her so she don't want to live again.
• Her boyfriend dumped her for her other friend.
• Her lecturer told her she will never pass a particular course unless she sleeps with him.
• The course rep didn't submit her assignments because she refused dating him.
• Her parents don't have money to pay school fees the next year if eventually she didn't pass as the lecturer said etc.

I called her on a video call and guess what?? She looks like someone who's insane, the truth is that she's loosing her sanity because of the stress she was going through at this very moment.

This is what most students are going through in school. Some work extremely hard to get money for the school fees and other fees is school but still the lecturers, professors and other people in the authority frustrates their efforts into nothing and when such scenario occurs such students will start having suicidal thoughts, it's normal but it's not a good thing to do.

Things to remember when suicidal thoughts comes up

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The moment such ugly thoughts start growing in my mind as a student, don't be in a rush to end your own life although most times it's beyond our control but consider some of this points before ending your life;

• There is no problem without a solution, so even that problem can be fixed.
• Your feelings and emotions are not fixed just a little rethink can change how you feel.
• Those people you think you will disappoint when you fail, think about the grief, pain and anguish they will live on with when you die.
• If you can subdue the pain at tat very moment then you can conquer everything.
• Even if you fail today,there is still tomorrow to try but once you're dead the opportunity has ceased.

Never forget that Even problems that seem hopeless have solutions and A suicidal crisis is almost always temporary so don't end your life for this that are happening right now.

How to talk to someone about your suicidal thoughts

The best solution to solving suicidal thoughts is just to open up to people. Although there are some persons that even after talking with them you feel.worse that how you've been feeling but it's very important to trust someone and share the burden with such person. Although, Even when you decide who you can trust to talk to, admitting your suicidal thoughts to another person can be difficult but try hard to express your feelings to the person you trust.

• Do well to tell the person the exact thing you're telling yourself including the plan of taking your life and how you want to do it.

• Most people including me often use Phrases such as, ‘I can’t take it anymore’ or ‘I’m done’ to express my down moment but while talking with the person you trust about your suicidal thoughts don't use them because they don't actually illustrate any seriousness but rather creates curiosity.

• If saying is will be too difficult for you to really express yourself then try as much as possible to put it in a writing. Express how you feel without omitting anyghing because for someone to assist you, the person needs the full details of everything. You can as well make it an email or a text message but just talk to someone.


Suicidal thoughts are very deadly do your best to run away from it as much as possible. Thanks everyone for visiting my blog. I love you all, do stay safe.


 3 years ago 

Wow very beautiful photo tho. Back to current issues, being a student in the current Nigeria is a hassle, I've come across depression of all sorts faced by my peers. All we can do is to stay strong and hope for better days and help our friends because depression really is a serious killer especially for students. Thanks for this post steem on

 3 years ago 

Thanks boss

Nice write up and worth the read. Unfortunately a lot of people are suffering from depression and its not taken seriously in this part of the world.

It calls for serious concern.

 3 years ago 

Nice post. Depression is real and there have been so many cases among Nigerian students, but one has to be open and share his or her challenges with others for solution. God go help us ooo.

 3 years ago 

Nice post. Depression is real and there have been so many cases among Nigerian students, but one has to be open and share his or her challenges with others for solution. God go help us ooo.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for sharing this

Such an educative post 🤝
More of this!

 3 years ago 

Nice writeup

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