Creative Writing: Campus Student Wouldn't Miss The Finish Line

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Hello campus friends,
I believe we are all good and are actively engaging in the community contests and in one another's post.

In campus connect, we warmly accept campus related content and at such, I will be making a fictional write-up that will pass a very useful information to students on campus please follow along.


"Chinedu, do not forget the background you are from and the parent that nursed you" said my mother

"You know you are the only one I have and ever since your father died, I have been the one trying my best to ensure you lack nothing.

Now that you are going to the university, my heart beat heavily for you and I have no other means to protect you other than to pray for you and to remind you of all the things you have learnt.
Please do not deviate from what you have learnt" she added

Thank you very much mother, I will keep to heart all that you have said, I answered.
I will desist from keeping company with the wrong people.

Then she escorted me to the park where I'm to board a bus to my destination, and on getting to the park, my bus was almost full.
The bus happened to be an eighth seater bus with me being the seventh passenger, and then all of a sudden, a young beautiful lady arrived at the park, and she asked "please where is the bus heading to umudike, Abia state" and our bus was pointed, of which she was later informed that it was remaining just a passenger and she gladly filled up the space.

As she was about entering the bus, I had to assist her place some of her luggages below the bus seat as the boot was filled up, of which she said "thank you" with a soft and charming voice.

Then we began the long journey, as the journey progressed she started feeling dizzy and was struggling to find a suitable position to sleep, and since she was sitting close to me, I offered her my laps to sleep on, of which she at first declined but later accepted.

She slept for hours on my laps and then woke up when the bus stopped at an eatery for us to have some refreshment.

We went out separate ways to get some snacks then we reassembled when it was time for us to continue our journey, then, our discussion began.
I introduced myself and where I was heading to, of which she did same and I realized that we were heading to the same location.


As the conversation progressed, I was made to understand that she's a student of my school and she happened to be in my level but different faculty.
And as it was, we were both new to the school and I won't be wrong to say she was the first female friend I had in my school.

I am the kind of person that doesn't like keeping friends, especially that of the opposite gender, but this lady, Kate, was different.
She was kind, friendly and needed someone to talk to, more especially as we were newbies.

So we hanged out more often, mostly when we had similar lectures and some registrations to do, we went to night classes together and read all through the night.

Pardon me, I didn't add the fact that Kate and I stayed in the school hostel, since we didn't know the school environs.
She stayed in the girls hostel while I stayed in the boys hostel.

Once in a while she'd come visit me and we get some snacks and catch some fun but most times, we were either in church or at class reading.

Aside Kathy, I also had some other unique friends, they were all of high intelligence and they were god-fearing.

Though my 100l was tough for me, since I had to regularly move from class to tutorial to night class, but with the kind of friends I kept, I will didn't really feel the stress.

My friends were always by my side, we encouraged one another as we attained Academic excellence.

Our first semester examination approached and this kept us at our heels, we could barely catch fun as we used to, all our time and energy was channeled to reading and boom!, the exam came and we wrote it.

After the exams, we went to pray for examination success and we decided to relax a little and make up for the lost time.

Finally, our results came out and we all came out in flying colors, we had distinction all through and then we were so happy for ourselves.

We want to church for testimonies and thanks giving, after which we encouraged ourselves to work harder.

Time passed away and our second semester result came out and we also came out with excellent results.

Our second semester result was better than that of our initial result, I now discovered that I had the best results in my faculty.

I started getting noticed by students in my department, even student from other departments started noticing me and this began attracting other students to me.
Many pleaded that I put them through on some courses while others just wanted to be my friend.

I started getting attention from lecturers and they started giving me some responsibilities to handle.

And as time passed by, Kathy and I drew ever closer and then I began to develop feelings for her.
I had this urge that she is the one sent by God but I didn't know how to tell her, I didn't even know where to start from.
I feared that telling her would destroy the wonderful relationship we had and I just couldn't allow all this years go to waste.

I then decided to lock up but as days went by, my heart kept troubling and I decided to give it a try.


On a Friday evening, I told her that there's something important I'll love to tell her after her practical class on Saturday, I told her to meet me at our usual joint on campus.
She knows where we do meet to read and tackle some Academic difficulties.

On Friday night, I rehearsed what I was going to say to her, I just couldn't bare appearing before her and then speaking out of point.

When it was Saturday, I went to our usual location to wait for her, after waiting for hours, I then sighted her from a distance approaching.
Truth be told, it was as if I should postpone what I wanted to say to her, but, I just had to say it.

When she came, we sat and discussed a little, then I started " Kathy, you know that you are the first friend I ever have here on campus and you have been a blessing to me.
I'm not sure of how you would react to what I'm about to say, but either ways, I have to say it.
Kathy, I love you."

Silence immediately came in, and I waited for her to speak but she said nothing, looking at me in shock, then I continued "I have felt this way about you for a long time now but I didn't want to destroy what we shared that is the reason I locked up, but Kathy, I can't hold it anymore"

"Please give me an opportunity show you how much I love you" I continued
Then she said she was speechless and would get back to me.

I felt a relief after she left because I was expecting a straight no or better still an hot slap.

That didn't stop our regular conversation and study as I decided not to pressure her, but I do remind her once in a while.

Then finally, she said yes, she agreed to be my girlfriend of which we set boundaries for ourselves, since we wanted the relationship to be a pure a one.

We continued studying hard and didn't allow our relationship get the better part of us, then we approached our final year in school.


After so many things we faced in our final year, we wrote our final exams and signed out with a first class.
We jubilated, celebrated and thank God over everything, but before then, there was this group of students Kathy warned me against.

She said she didn't like friendship with those guys that they won't be of good influence to me, of which I told her to come off it, that I was only helping them academically.

After our final exams, this same friends came to thank me for all I have done for them and they suggested that we went out just for celebration of which I declined.

They insisted and said it was a birthday party of one of our colleagues, and I wasn't the partying type but since I was through with school, I decided to join them just this once, without Kathy's knowledge.


I got to the party and saw the celebrant of which I wished him well, my friends drank, ate and partied a lot.
I began feeling uncomfortable in that surrounding because of the kind of friends that were invited to the party.

As I was about leaving, boom!, we were surrounded by the police
Before I could look around, my friends had escaped, just me and some few students were caught by the police.

I didn't know what was going on until I got to the station and I discovered that those guys have been involved in illegal activities.

I tried my best to explain that I wasn't among them but it was all to no avail since I had no evidence to prove my innocence.

I didn't know what to say to Kathy and my mother, I felt so bad and really cried as I knew I had failed them.

I faced the panel of judges and I was sentenced to 10years imprisonment with hard labor, it was then I realized that it was over.


  • As student on campus, always be mindful of the kind of associate you keep, as many are there just to destroy your life.

  • Do not attend wild parties of individuals you barely know, even if you are being pressured to do so.

  • And finally, always stick close to God while in school, as your progress will be impossible without him.

I hope campus student will benefit from my creative writing.


 2 years ago (edited)

Interestingly and sad.
Your story has stirred up a lot of emotions in me and I still feel the urge to cry for Chinedu. Using the first-person point of view can be so powerful.😪

 2 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by


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