Campus Connect Week 26 Contest- My Favorite lecturer on campus by @jueco

in CampusConnect2 years ago


Hello campus friends,
I believe we are all doing great and we are active members of club5050, club75 and club100.

I feel honored to be here again to submit my entry to this wonderful contest in this great community.

This contest centers on my favourite lecturer in the varsity and why I love him/her so much.
Before venturing into my favorite lecturer, I'll love to discuss little about my University.

The name of my university is Michael okpara University of agriculture umudike, located in the eastern part of Nigeria.

My school, although being among the only three agricultural school, offers other courses and because of this, I am priveledge to be studying a 5years course in Engineering.

With all those information, I shall proceed to give a vivid explanation on my favourite lecturer and why I love him.

The name of my favorite teacher is Dr. Mr Okorie Timothy, he holds a PhD in Mathematics and he is from Abia state, Nigeria.

Dr Timothy teaches Mathematics [MTH 211] in my great citadel of learning. And I must confess he is outstandingly great when it comes to teaching.

Below are some few reasons why he is my favorite teacher:



One unique quality of a teacher is his knowledge. There are many teachers without a knowledge of the course they teach.

As a student, once we meet a teacher that has a good knowledge of what he's teaching, we will feel it, because the teacher will always flow with the class and answer all asked question with ease.

This is the exact quality that Dr. Timothy possesses. He teaches the subject so well that most times we his students wonder if he invented the subject himself.
This is how good he is, little wonder why he graduated with a first class in Mathematics.

And most times when a bright lecturer teaches, he always motivate the students to study harder and gain this knowledge.



Another rare quality I love about Dr Timothy is his method of teaching.
Dr Timothy teaches in a way that he carries more than 80% of his class irrespective of the crowd.

There's no boring moment in his class, he relates his teaching to our daily lives, I believe this is a gift he got from God.

I can remember vividly when he was about teaching us "calculus", a topic that we have so much feared, he began with the basis and gradually advanced.

The ease with which we all understood what he taught was so amazing that we had to go back to his office to thank him for a topic well explained.



You would agree with me that the sense of dressing of an individual determines if others will want to be his friend or not.
This reminds me of the statement that says " THE WAY YOU DRESS IS THE WAY YOU WILL BE ADDRESSED"

Our mode of dressing speaks a lot about us, and believe me when I tell you that Dr Timothy has a very good sense of dressing.

He dresses cooperate to school always, unlike other lecturers, aside on Fridays, where he puts on a native attire.

So I must admit that assides his knowledge and mode of teaching, I am also attracted to his sense of dressing.


It gladdens my heart to say that Dr Timothy is the only lecturer I know of that doesn't accept bribe from students inorder to pass them.

Many times, the big boys in class have countlessly gone with the course representative to the office of Dr Timothy, just to bribe him for a pass mark, but all their efforts yielded nothing as Dr Timothy stands on his ground that he doesn't need their money.

Indeed, Dr Timothy is rare, his type is hard to find, to be honest.

There are numerous reasons why Dr Timothy gained my favor and became my favorite lecturer on campus.

I didn't even discuss about his kind gesture, his social life, his spiritual life.
Time will fade us if I begin to explain every bit of why Dr Timothy became my favorite lecturer.

I honestly hope to meet more lecturers like him as I advance academically.

Thanks for reading


 2 years ago 

Great, it's very good when lecturer refuse bribe

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