The diarygame| Campus related

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Hello great minds, how are we all fairing? I believe we are all doing great.
As usual, I do well to ask about our club5050 status, I believe we are all actively enrolled as members of the project.

I count it a wonderful privilege to be here again in this wonderful community, to relate how I spent my day on campus.

Actually, we are on our festive break in school and almost all the students have left for their respective homes, but I decided to remain in school for some reasons best known to me.

I began my day in class when I woke up, since my exams was still some days away, I decided to sleep again, of which i later woke up when it was dawn.

When I woke up, I carried out my morning routine, such as my morning prayers, brushing of my teeth and taking my bath.
After my morning routine, I went back to bed again, of which I later woke up.

When I woke up, I decided to cook but discovered that I was lacking somethings of which I hurriedly put on a better clothes and headed to market


When I got to the market, I bought the needed, easily fixed them into my bag and headed straight home.
When I got home, I removed my clothes and put on a simpler clothes, then I prepared something to eat.

After eating, I proceeded to wash my clothes of which I later headed to class to read.


After some hours of reading, a call came in from an old friend, of which I was so delighted to answer it.
We spoke and spoke until there was nothing to speak about, then we bidded our goodbyes.


I then returned to my books of which I returned to my hostel when I became tired.
Getting to my hostel,, I first bounced on my food then I went straight to sleep.

When I woke up, I went to visit a friend because I could no longer bear the boredom, of which we gisted and I returned home and prepared to continue my reading.

I then ate my dinner and proceeded to class, of which I read and said my night prayers, then I slept off.

 3 years ago 

@jueco Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you too, I'll continue doing my best here in #campusconnect, learning from my mentor @whitestallion

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing how you've spent your day with us, happy new year, cheers.

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