How Does Technology Affect Your Thinking? By @iddy // 10% Payout To @campusconnectng.

in CampusConnect2 years ago


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With a heart full of love, I greet you all my beloved friends, you are once again welcome to my blog, this time I will give suggestions on how students can make proper use of technology.

Humanity is continually learning​—whether for the academy, job, or other purposes. Technology can assist. Never in past has it existed so simple to access so vast information, without having to take off your home or even arise from your seat.

Nonetheless, myriad who make substantial use of technology discover that they . . .

  • have problems focusing while reading.

  • have difficulty concentrating on one assignment at a moment.

  • come to be shortly bored in times of solitude.



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Many browse and scan material rather than patiently attending to an author’s procession of thought.

Skim-reading is nice when you want to discover a sharp answer to a question. Nonetheless, it can impede cognition when you want to deem a topic more deeply.

TO THINK ABOUT: How adequately are you able to read lengthy paragraphs of the article? Wherein can do so enrich your learning?​


Many persons deduce that technology offers them the mastery to conduct two tasks at a time​—for instance, to text colleagues while studying. Yet when their attention is halved, they may not conduct either task adequately, particularly when both employ concentration.

Focus employs self-discipline, but it is adequately worth the effort.

TO THINK ABOUT: Does performing multiple tasks deter your mastery to discern and recall what you study?​


Some persons become uncomfortable when they are alone in silent vicinity, and they swivel to technology to replenish the void.

Nonetheless, times of solitude give a useful chance for wide thinking​—an important aspect of learning, not just for students who are young but also for those who are advanced in age.

TO THINK ABOUT: Can you use times of solitude to your advantage?​


    In what directions could you utilize technology to enrich your reasoning aptitudes? What utilizes could deter your mastery to concentrate and comprehend?


Do I have a problem focussing when reading a lengthy paragraph of text on the web? If so, what greatly frequently is liable to distract me?

What actions can I put up with to lessen or even eradicate those distractions?

Tip: Begin small by reading short paragraphs of the article early and again gradually improving the amount. Readout audible, softly, to maintain focus on the article.

What adjustments can I bring about so that I have sufficient time to think and meditate on what I have read?

Tip: Use the final ten minutes of a study time to revisit what you have understood.

In what situations am I inclined to attempt to perform multiple tasks?

What adjustments could I bring about so that I concentrate on one assignment or task at a moment?

Tip: Keep your study room empty of distractions so that you are not enticed to perform multiple tasks.


Technology is good, it helps a student in doing research, typing, reading, etc, but if a student is sending messages to his friends, checking emails, checking timelines on social media platforms while studying and preparing for a quiz or examination, he would be distracted, therefore causing his ability to comprehend what he read, even to extensively read lengthy paragraph would impose difficulties on him. But a student can make adequate use of technology if he scrutinizes his use of technology.

Thank you!



 2 years ago 

I personally believe technology is one of the best things that has happened to mankind.

Great content!
Steem On!!🚀🚀

 2 years ago 

Thank you @esusaviour for stopping by, I am grateful. You are correct when you say it's one of the best things that happened to mankind, come to think about it, how would I meet you if not for technology, but at the same time, we must strike a balance, not allowing distraction to set in while reading or working.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for Always sharing valuable tips that will benefit others with us here, truly technology have both it's positive and negative impact, as you well said one needs to strike balance. we really appreciate your activeness in the community, keep it up

 2 years ago 

The pleasure is mine @goodybest, thanks for stopping by, it serves as an encouragement to me, I will try my best to be active in this beautiful community, thanks.

 2 years ago 

Yeah technology is really good in our lives! It saves time and effort!

 2 years ago 

Exactly @anyiglobal, how would I know you if not for technology. As you said technology serves time and energy, at the same time, we have to make proper use of it.

Technology in all its glory has Advantages and disadvantages. Most deny it but we have practically become addicted to our phones, and can't do without it for even an hour. If we are able to be productive with it each day, then it will work in our favour but not when we get distracted with our social media. In all, if we are as to control the excesses that come with Technology, everything will be all right.

 2 years ago 

Wow, what a comment, thank you @yuceetoria for stopping by. You have a point, the majority are addicted to their devices, to the extent it interferes with many relationships, you can imagine discussing with a loved one and he is busy chatting which shows a lack of interest in you. As you said, to be productive, we have to strike a balance.

 2 years ago 

Well said @iddy. Technology can be likened to fire, if used appropriately will be to our advantage but vice-versa would cause great harm. It's really painful that our mobile phones are a great source of distractions while studying. I have personally had a not so good experience with it as regards to focusing on things of great importance like studying.
Your article is just what every student needs, to access himself if he is truly using technology to his advantage.

Thank you for carefully outlining each step 🤗.
#week20contest #engageweek1 #club100

Steem to the moon 🚀 🚀

 2 years ago 

Thank you @starshipsfly for stopping by, I am grateful. You used a fitting illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of phones. I am happy to know that the article is helpful.

 2 years ago 

You're welcome 🤗

 2 years ago 

Well said. Technology could have both good and bad effects on students.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @oguzvic for stopping by, I am grateful. Yes, we have to strike a balance, and take advantage of technology.

You have made a very nice post Because I face this challenges of reading and I tend to wonder the cause
Hence I will heed to this tips most especially reading short paragraph
#week20contest #engagementweek1 #club5050

 2 years ago 

Thank you @angela-o for stopping by, I am happy to know that the article is helpful. Yes, reading short paragraphs first, and gradually improving is good.

A wise man once said that technology can be used for good and evil depending on the user.

I agree with everything you said here because i can relate to it.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so @christian002 for visiting my blog and finding time to read the article. Thanks for the acknowledgment.

A wonderful article... I so much love technology 😍... its goodness is kinda greater.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @stan015, I love technology too, it makes life easier. But you know it has both advantages and disadvantages, so we have to take advantage of it.

Exactly brotherly... Nice article 👍💪

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