My first day in school

in CampusConnect3 years ago



Hello friends,how is everyone doing,I hope you all are good and healthy,am also doing fantastic over here.
Today's blog will be a discussion about my first day high school,that day was one of my happiest day on Earth and also a day I will never forget.a week before that day my parent took me out to shop for my needs like schoolbags,sandals, socks and other learning materials such as mathematical set,calculator, logarithms table and others.when I entered into the school compound I was shocked because I have never seen such a populated area before,as student were swamping up and down like bees.i looked around the school compound and almost lost my conciousness due to the beautiful compound designed with flowers and conducive environment for reading.As a person that like football,I quickly try to get where the field is located.
I did the necessary registrations and was told to resume the following day for lessons.i made a lot of new friends and enjoyed being with them always

 3 years ago 

@ibu-anuf Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort but pls work on the use of markdown and your post is too short ,Thanks

Ok, thanks

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