My Views And Experience Of Campus Hostels And Lodges Around | Campus Connect Engagement Contest Week 4 by @hayleydemi

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

Hello campus connect community, this is my entry to this nice contest.

Which did you do when you gained admission on campus, did you reside in the school hostel or not?

I am a student of University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. When I gained admission, I stayed off campus. I had to stay in a lodge not too far from campus.

What is the reason behind your choices ( why and why not did you pick the school hostel)

The major reason why I did not stay in the hostel was because I wasn't able to get a room. In my school, applying to get a room in the hostel is like a tug of war.

Thousands of students flood the online portal trying to apply to get a hostel too. Most times, the server ends up crashing because of too much traffic. Students keep trying and trying until they perhaps get lucky, and get a room.

The entire process is just too difficult and hectic for students. This was the major reason why I did not stay in the hostel, same with numerous other students of the school.

What are your experiences in the school hostel and in wherever you decided to stay (positive and otherwise) ?

I've visited virtually all the hostels in my school a good number of times. My experience their has been an interesting one.

First of all, majority of the hostels are in a terrible state. The boys hostel especially is very dilapidated. Everything is degenerating.

The bathroom and toilet facilities of most of the hostels are in a complete mess. There is no proper maintenance.

In addition, there is usually a situation of overpopulation in the hostels, as you would find more students in a room than the room is supposed to carry.

Moving on, a good thing about the hostels is that it's like a community. You meet different people and make a lot of friends.

My lodge experience is exciting. In the first place, getting a lodge was a bit of a hassle. House Agents were making matters worse as they were adding crazy amounts of money as thier fees.

It took a while to eventually get a suitable place after walking from place to place in search of one.

Did you enjoy your stay there and why

I am enjoying my stay in the lodge. The environment is serene. I have amazing and fun lodgemates. I also get to enjoy my privacy.

However, a downside is that things are expensive outside campus. Water is expensive, especially because of the kind of terrain Enugu has.

Food is also expensive. Furthermore, most times walking from my place to school, especially when I'm late for lectures is stressful.

What do you think needs improvement ?

The hostels should be completely renovated. I mean a total and complete renovation of the hostels and facilities in it. More hostels should be built as well, so as to decongest the existing ones.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living on-campus ?

One of the advantages of living on campus is that things on campus are cheaper compared to off campus. Food is cheap and water are cheap as well.

Another advantage is proximity to lecture venues. One can easily walk to lectures without much stress. In addition, the campus environment is safer.

A major disadvantage is that the hostels are not in a good state.

Also, there is no privacy in the hostels as one has to share a room with many other people.

I invite @goodybest and @yakspeace to participate in this contest.

 2 years ago 

Thank you, @hayleydemi for making this quality post in our community today.
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 2 years ago 

With all the conditions of the hostel you mentioned above it's better you stay off campus. Because if the toilet are in mess then you will likely contact toilet infection. Thank you for the invite and I wish you all best.

 2 years ago 

Hello @hayleydemi, thanks for publishing this post in Campus Connect community,

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