CAMPUS CONNECT| IMPORTANCE OF LEMON BASIL (CURRY)| @gidsbrown| 10% payout to the community account

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


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Good day everyone here at steemit campus connect community, I hope you are all doing great today. I'm here again with another interesting and educative topic to us, I strongly believe if you can spare few minutes of your time reading through, I trust it won't be a waste of time because I was fascinated by this topic that I had to make a proper research coupled with my own years long experience about it. Alright straight to the point.



The word lemon Basil

Alright starting with the reason for my choice of topic or heading for this post, which states "THE MISCONCEPTION OF THE BEAUTIFUL AROMATIC SPICE CALLED LEMON BASIL" it might sound strange to some of you especially if you're not a Nigerian based in Nigeria and maybe abroad it is widely known as "CURRY LEAVES" meanwhile "CURRY" is a different spice entirely from Lemon Basil hence the misconception of that name. And till date many Nigerians don't know it as Lemon Basil, especially the market women, you'll walk hours and ask of lemon Basil they might have but blatantly tell you they don't because they've never heard it identified with that name but once you mention curry leaves they'll give for the Amount you want to buy or direct you to wherever you can get it.



Lemon Basil popularly known as "curry leaves" in Nigeria is a very important spice in preparing our food in Nigeria ( except for those who don't like the aroma it brings to our meals) of which I am yet to come across anyone who doesn't like it, because it is used in preparing varieties of meals like stew, tomato sauce, noodles and many more but that's my preference on the kind of meals I prepare using lemon Basil in my family's restaurant and it gives my food a sweet aroma and I believe that's why we get many customers who enjoy our food so much. Because it has been a special recipe for our preparing our food because of the unique aroma and taste (Aromatic spice) it adds to our meals. It has a good nutritional value which I'll talk about separately.
Lemon Basil has variety of ways it is been used in Nigeria in cooking. You can explore and try it cooking other meals with it, I'm sure you're going to have a remarkable experience using it.



From the image uploaded, lemon Basil or curry leaf is a shrub plant with small leaves which ranges from 3 to 6 centimeters depending on how long you allow it to grow before cutting it. Like the on in the uploaded image has been tampered with so it's just growing back to it's normal size, it's green in colour and from the name it has a distinct lemon sweet citrus aroma hence the name "LEMON BASIL"
It grows in all seasons but blossoms better in rainy season cause of the ground has enough water and shrubs root aren't that deep.


Lemon Basil which is botanically known as Ocimum citriodorum is a native of Asia,it grows as weed and can also be found in different countries where it is known in different names of which I know of a few, it is known as nasi ulam in Malaysia and kemangi in Indonesia and of course curry leaves in Nigeria. I don't know if it is also found in your country too if you're not a Nigerian and not from Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia I mentioned, feel free to tell us what it it called in your country or locality



Lemon Basil contains carotene is good for improving vision
It also contains vitamin k which helps in hastening and speeding up the healing of wounds and injuries
it also contains vitamin c which helps in growth and development and repairing worn-out tissues
It also contains minerals like iron,copper and calcium which are also essential minerals in the body.

In conclusion lemon Basil which we Nigerians will always called curry leaves is good Choice and source of spicing up your food.

I hope you found this article educative and worth your time.
Thank you all for reading through.


Note: All unsourced images where taken with my phone Infinix Hot 10T. Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Hello @gidsbrown, thanks for publishing this post in Campus Connect community, Your post has been supported using Campus Connect Curation account.

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