The diary game 12-01-2022/A day a my university/20% payout of this post to campusconnectng

in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Hope you all are well. I am also fine and I am enjoying good health. Today I will share my diary with you guys. I hope you guys will enjoy reading it.
So lets start our day.



Today the first class of my university was around one o'clock, so I woke up a little late this morning. I woke up at about 8:30 in the morning.
First of i picked up my mobile and relpied to some texts, Later I went to the washroom and freshened up, got my hair done and brushed my teeth. This morning, since it was very cold, I went back to my bed after being refreshed and started using my mobile phone. There was nothing special to prepare university lactures because our today's classes were pretty simple and there was no assignment to present, so I was very relaxed.


Then about nine o'clock I got out of bed and I went and had my breakfast. This morning at breakfast I ate chapatti and drank tea. After eating I charged my mobile and pressed my clothes to ware in university.


Then I changed the dress and started to dress up to go to the university. At about 11:30 I left my house to go to the university. At the same time I called my friend and asked her to leave the house too.


Then I went to the main road and stopped the auto rickshaw and told him to go to the metro stop. The auto rickshaw driver dropped me off at the metro stop and from there I got on the metro bus.
Actully my friend lives about two metro stops ahead from that stop I take the metro, so we get in touch with eachother and take the same metro bus.So we get off at that metro stop which is nearest to our university. From there we take a local bus to the university which drops us off at that gate which is right next to our department. We reached the university at about 12:30 and went to IBIT (our department name) .

We reached about 45 minutes before our first class started, so we first went to the bookshop and bought some new books from there. After that my friend and I went to the university grounds and we took some pictures.



Then we went back to the department and took our Basics of management class. Our management teachers is one of my favourite teachers. She is so nice and delivere her lecture in a very understandable way. So this is the reason i like her most.
After this class we had a break of about fifteen minutes in which we went to university cafe where we ordered samosas and burgers.



After eating all this we came back to our class which was of*** Introduction to Information Technology***, and attended the class attentivly. At about four o'clock our second class ended. This was the last class of our day.


Then we chose the university bus to come back to our home because it is a bit cheap.
My head was paining due to that heavy and pressred day.After returning home I changed my dress and ate dinner.


Then I went to bed and opened my university couse book and read them. I took notes of some important topics.
Then I Wrote a post on steemit which was about achievement 5 task 4.
Which is have not uploaded yet.
Now it is 10:00 when i am writing this diary .
After completing this ,i will go to sleep early because tomorrow my first class of university is at 8:00Am so i have to get up early in the morning.
So that was my whole day routine ,hope you like it. So good night to all of you,i am so tired now and want to take a sound sleep.

 2 years ago 

@fizaashraf, Thanks for sharing with us on @campusconnect . Continue sharing your quality contents with us here we love and appreciate your effort ,Thanks.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for appreciating my efforts.

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