My favourite subject by @ezege11 22 may 2021

in CampusConnect3 years ago


My pleasure steemains, my name is Okore Ezekiel Precious, a student of the university of Nigeria Enugu campus.
First thing first ill like to appreciate @Davosimple for organizing this contest which made me remeber most of my previous memories.
Before I talk about my best subject, I'll start by saying I never loved mathematics.
Its fusion of complex, designated patterns and over-stretched calculables a giant bulmark I could not drill a hole into.
Not that I did not try couple of times to love the subject, to spend hours in its room without either fatigued or caught up on a meshwork of mifraines, floating on the backwing of my elder brother who was suprisingly knowledgeable about it, but yet it was lije rain seeping through a vaccum, an unlanguagable thing.

why i hated mathematics

Throughout primary school, I was steadfast in the mill: always having an F in mathematics which became a kind of malignant cancer that did cost me the first position up until I entered college, always finding a way to abhor classes by pretending to be sick or otherwise always failing and failing to the sheer disappointment of my parents.
I would not forget how my then primary four teacher Mrs. Amaka was calling me "an incomplete student". To her, all and all, mathematics made me incomplete, made me a lot lesser student than Eric who oftentime than one could count, took the first position.
Mrs. Amaka would sing my failure in front of everyone, coining out wired words like mathophobia, the fear of mathematics.I would in the thik of all, as if passing a thread through a closed mouth of a needle weighed up by grief and its many hands, rest my head on the table and bawl my eyes out.
I would try again and again to seal my curiosity, learning and relearning, reading it at night and during free periods it was just impregnable

my best subject

It's funny to know that mathematics after all it put me through turn to be my best.

How mathematics became my best subject

I hated mathematics until my junior secondary school when I had a nee teacher, Mr. Akposheri Akpovona.
He was a kind and intelligent man whose simple but excellent way of teaching was my boom cracker. He had noticed my reluctancy when it came to mathematics and had grown quite fond of me.
Everyday, after school, when there are no students in school, I would stay in his under-ventilated office gleaming from his teachings.
He told me the reason why I do not seem to love or understand mathematics is that i had always beleived it to be a hard grind.
He said that mathematics is more practical than theoritical, that if one could look within the physical, he or she would notice that we allbare great mathematicians.
Isn't that why we are able to buy and sell, to tell which year is a leap year, to count a basket of mangoes, and all.
It was a life-changing experience for me learning in the simplest teaching of uncle Akpos so it was not luck when my result started changing to A and Bs to my greatest pleasure to represent my school in the cowbell mathematics competition. A great feat I am still enamoured by till date

why mathematics is my best subject

I came to understand that the first rule of understanding is love.
After understanding mathematics and gaining a very high respect till date after partaking in the cowbell competition for my school. The honour of coming to teaching ss3 students yearly and at this level in my forex trading my knowledge of histogram have been very helpful

how I feel when I miss class

Making friends with my mathematics teacher made me never wanted to miss any mathematics class including the extra classes he do hold for us.
And whenever I miss class I feel very bad because whenever I miss class he comes visiting to know why i missed class.

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