in CampusConnect3 years ago (edited)

Greetings adorable steemians of this reputable community. Keep steeming great💯

"Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply"! A mere mention of this topic any way now usually takes me retroactively to my secondary school days in our Economic class. We were a set of three streams; A, B and C for our senior secondary class 2, where we had to choose the 9 subjects that we will be studying for any field of our choice( Art, Science and Commercial Arts).


N/b: the above picture was shot in my ss3 class.


One of the subjects I never liked was ECONOMICS. There was no where I could bypass the said Economics because it was also one of the important subject to be studied by an Art student. Almost all of my mates never liked this subject. Why??? Don't worry I'll tell ya. Our attitude towards this subject was quite surprising to our school counsellor who worked hard to ensure that we all at least do well in it. Not only our Counsellor, but our Principal was also baffled at the poor performance recorded during the end of first term.

She, our principal, had always encouraged us to choose Economics, and learn from the root, in preparation for our Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE). She always boasted of how proud she'll be to see most of us become successful economist, financial risk analyst, financial planner, accountant, economic planners, etc. Another word of encouragement from her is, "nothing will gladden my heart than me seeing most of you manage the resources of this economy. I dunno if it was a joke though😅😅. We had received this encouragement with thunderous ovation, but our old economic teacher became the spoiler.


Here is the link to the above photo


This man killed in us the ardour of becoming future economist and so on, or, should I say, he destroyed our zeal of becoming useful citizens of our fatherland. When this teacher left and Mr. Udeme was posted to our school to handle Economic in our sss3 class, we all realized that "Aggregate Supply and Demand" was not the only topic in Economics, thank God at least it was a topic on its own. But, before this new teacher came, the only topic we knew in Economics and which we could not really explain, was "Aggregate Supply and Demand"😂😂😂

Also, with the coming of Mr. Udeme, as young boys and girls, we began to ask questions about the competence of our old Economic teacher. From these questions, we realized that our old Economics teacher nwas not a subject specialist after all. Whether he studied Economics at the Teachers Training College (TTC) or not, was another thing we could not uncover. On the other hand, we discovered that Mr. Udeme had a bachelor's degree in Economics. But before he was posted to our school, much harm had already been done. So all his efforts to bring some of us back to the subject proved abortive.

But gradually, we heeded his entreaties but it wasn't easy. To demonstrate his ingenuity in the subject, Mr. Udeme took us from the scratch. When we finally took the SSCE, surprisingly, we all passed with distinction in Economics.



This is typical of what is obtain in most secondary schools in Nigeria; many teachers are made to handle subjects they do not major in, thereby, killing the morale of their students. This practice should be discouraged by school administrators. Therefore, subject specialist should be made to handle their areas of specialty, especially at the School Certificate Level.

Thanks great people of this institution for reading ❤️


 3 years ago 

You are right most teachers kills the interest of the students.

They seriously do.
Thanks for reading ❤️

 3 years ago 

Nice post dear.
Forget the economics our economy sef no good 🤣.

Definitely, we need a decentralized economy.
Thanks for reading ❤️

 3 years ago 

Well a teacher might be very good at is subject but cannot impact the knowledge on others, it calls for talent and grace to do so. You're detailed dear keep it up

Very well ma'am @goodybest
Thank you❤️

 3 years ago 

Wish many teachers will be opportune to read this

They will as steemit grows
Thanks for reading ❤️

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