Time flies, 50% to community account

in CampusConnect3 years ago


Time management: This involves organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities.
Time has so much effect on nature, I'd say that time is nature.
Men often say;
Time is money.
Time waits for no man.
Time will tell etc…
This has me wondering why and what time really is and why is it so spoken off. A day came where I sat and pondered about the concept of time this long thoughts drove me to a deep sleep and as I woke up, it had passed time that I was supposed to go for my classes and unfortunately for me, on that day my lecturer game a one and all quiz and I missed it. I consoled myself with the fact that I will definitely bounce back to get back the marks during exams but the truth was that no matter how I tried and what I did, I could never recover or cover up for those marks I lost, it was there realize what or whom time was.

I would say that time is man's greatest asset, a two edged sword which when swung, It could devour your enemy and at the same time, if not properly controlled, it could come back and devour us too. So I ask you, how do you relate with time?, Do you let it get the best of you or do you get the best of it? When I was younger, I grew up to see a world where the clock moved very slowly and the revolution of life I think, was longer.
As a Nigerian man, you would start school after having enjoyed infancy to the fullest such that it became boring so when you must finished high school you’re already a grown up man then you had the choice to choose to enjoy some more years after high school graduation before setting up for any other life ambition of probable furthering to go get a degree or diploma. After the long vacation one might choose to first go learn a trade or skill the after wards begin to seek for admission. By then their brain is already off from academics so the ain’t fit to have an admission through examination so they’ll then seek an easy way out and that definitely will be a long way around; they’ll have to for a remedial or pre degree studies or probably a diploma course so as to gain direct entry into the university.
As required they’ll have to spend some years in the university before getting out, next on their mind is work, ripping the fruit of their academic struggle and they’ll have to work long enough to save up enough to get established just before conceiving thoughts of settling for and creating a family already the whole process would take almost half a century of their lives already but they’ll sill eventually live long enough to welcome their third descendants who will apply the same
It’s just so funny that the tides has change and has turned the clock so fast that as at 50, a man is already considered too old to leave, Consider to be supposedly a grandfather, an already established businessman or retired worker of no good use than for wise council.
Ohh what a life.

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