in CampusConnect2 years ago
Greetings great and glooming minds and welcome to my post. We all know about the ASSU strike that has affected all federal universities in Nigeria, and it's not yet been resolved.

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They started with 2 weeks strike, and from there, they entered 12 weeks of strike, All of our leaders out there (federal government) are just bent on winning the upcoming elections, in other to continue with the embezzlement of public funds, take away the right of citizens and make citizens go through hell if they dare speak up for them selves. Hypothetically speaking, due to the ongoings in Nigeria and this election that is probably distracting out leaders, out students will not continue with their education this year. Each and everyone of these leaders are bent on their "selfish desires" that they've even forgotten the meaning of being a leader. All they do is to bring about empty promises and fool the citizens.

picture taken by itel A16

However, The National Association of Nigeria Nursing and Midwifery in Nigeria, have decide to stand and protest for the federal students that have been on strike for the past few months (I've even forgotten when it started because it's been a very long strike). This letter was written for the General secretary T.A shettima by Barr. Ikenna eze who is the deputy secretary, stating that there will be a protest schedule by the national labour Congress on the 26 and 27 of July 2022, against the federal government with the aim and purpose of letting the scholars go back to school.

Some students actually have used this strike to their favor, and make good out of it, but those that depends only on education, can't do nothing but sit at home, whiling away their precious time and waiting for the federal government to come do something about this strike which i see as practically imposible. Before an individual extracts breast milk from a goat, that individual have to press the goats breast firmly without letting go, same thing applied to this government of Nigeria, before we get positive vibes from our leaders, we should do something against them and that thing we want to do against them is "protesting". This Act by the government is actually the reason why most Nigerians use the word "school na scam".

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On this note, i hereby call upon every one, not only the NANNM or Labour Congress members, but everyone to participate in this protest, so that the students who have been away from school since February will go back to school and continue with their studies.

Thank you for reading through, i am Nurse Midwife Daniel


Wow so many points and creativity in one post, and I can see that you guys have the betterment of the county at heart.
Of a truth, the leaders of this country (Nigeria) has forgotten their primary roles as pace-setters, Instead they pursue their selfish desires, what as country 🤦.

those that depends only on education, can't do nothing but sit at home

I wish our students could digest this simple fact that it's not only about education, they is need to learn and have an entrepreneurship skill, especially in this country where the government cares only for themselves.
Kudos to the National Association of Nigeria Nursing and Midwifery, your protest will surely go a long way to help the situation. Thanks for sharing sir, I really love this post.

 2 years ago 

Tbh, I wouldn't say that our problem comes from the government perse, i would say that the problem is basically from the citizens that aid the governments fraudulent acts. When someone is supported ij their evil act, they tend to carry it out over and over again

 2 years ago 

This strike don tire me like this, this country and it's leaders are messed up joking around with the youths future, is not like after the schooling they will provide work ooh yet they won't still allow someone to finish the school in peace and move on

 2 years ago 

Everyone is practically tired of the strike. But my advice to the students at large is to look for another thing to do as a back up plan for school because this strike, this strike will stay long. Probably though

 2 years ago 

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