in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)

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Greetings everyone and welcome to my post. Today, I want to talk about crisis in campus and how to go about its management because the rate at which crisis occurs between is much. Crisis can occur due to an underlying sickness (sickness that is already in the body) or exposure to anything harmful or irritating. However, Crisis is a state of disequilibrium that is overpowering an individual’s homeostasis or metabolic process. Meaning that crisis occurs when an individual is confronted with a problem they cannot solve. A person in crisis can be influenced positively or negatively that is if the situation is well managed, it may result in a kind of maturation but if it its not well managed, it will lead to the disturbance in mental activities.


There are two main types of crisis which includes;

Developmental crisis

Situational crisis


Situational crisis can also be called accidental crisis which happens spontaneously, generally due to external factors example, failure of a test or exams, unexpected death of a close friend etcetera. Accidental crisis can occur in cases of health crisis such as ill health of the student, breakup of a serious relationship, lack of finance in school which may lead to hunger and in worst cases, malnutrition and anaemia.


This crisis is as result of psychological growth in school, example, adaptation into school environment, making new friends in school, etcetera.


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There is need for successful resolution of crisis in other to increase the ability of an individual to resolve future ones successfully. There are three determining factors in resolving crisis and these includes;

  • Perception of the event

  • Adequate coping mechanism

  • Availability of support

To resolve crisis the intervention should be directed towards augumenting these three factors.


The occurrence an individual considers as crisis can be perceived by another individual as a normal occurrence. How an individual perceives an events depends on some factors like the age, sex, personality, social, economic or educational background, emotional state etcetera.


This are patterns of behaviour that a student have derieved in other to deal with crisis so as to avoid it from affecting the mental state. Some of these coping methods are intrinsic and can be developed on a trial and error basis then it gradually enters into the subconscious mind.


When a student is in crisis, other persons or students should provide support to that particular student. During crisis, the people that are closest to an individual becomes necessary for the students wellbeing.


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There are two steps taken to manage a student passing through crisis and these are;

  • Intervention

  • Elimination the problem

Intervening quickly in a situation of crisis is very important to avoid further psychological issues. During in this period, do the following;

  • Reassure the student

  • Evaluate the problem

  • Be sympathetic but not too empathetic

  • Motivate student not to take or do anything that will affect their future.

  • Help student explore better solutions

  • Alleviate the symptoms complained by the students

  • Eradicate the initial cause of crisis as soon as the crisis is over


This is a systhematic approach to the cause of crisis which involves the eradication of simple, complex, long term or immediate problem. There are two steps in problem solving which are the Trial and error which involves solving the problem using past experience, and the scientific method which has to do with research and the intervention of a health practitioner.
The person taking care of the student in crisis has to exhibit maturity and show love and affection to the affected student and do not forget to involve the family members if the casualty agrees to it, also, give diversional therapy like music, video, etcetera or a talk therapy depending on the type of crisis.


Crisis is a bad condition that affects the healthy living of a student. It disturbs the metabolic process if an individual and causes mental imbalance to the student. It is described in two types which are developmental and situational crisis and crisis can be managed without letting it cause more harms to the body.

Thank you for visiting my post, if you like this post, you can follow up for more posts, you can drop any health topic you want to know about in the comment section and I will do well to educate on it.

 2 years ago 

Situational crisis is common among students all over the world! The best thing you've taught us now is how to manage this crisis whenever they arose! Thanks for sharing this beautiful contest with us!

 2 years ago 

I think you know students much well.

Depression come from most of these things and when we speak and give solutions to them, it makes head way to prevent many things.

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Hello @delightharris, thanks for publishing this post in Campus Connect community, Your post has been supported using Campus Connect Curation account.

Keep publishing original and quality posts in Campus Connect community.


 2 years ago 

Students of Nigeria are often known for having very high coping mechanism we are capable of coping in the worst of situations

 2 years ago 

You really did a very intense research because you did Justice to this topic. Nicely written and very educative.

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