My little experience in neurosurgery unit @dayographix

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Yesterday officially marks the end of my 8weeks stay in neurosurgery unit by next week we would be reassigned to a new unit.


What I learnt in the period of 8weeks, I discovered their are different types of nuerological condition that can keep someone bed ridden for atleast 5years .

The conditions you can see in neurosurgery

  • Diffuse Axonal Brain Injury
  • Severe Head injury
  • Spinal Cord Injury

Brief Experience with one of my Patient

Whenever we wake up in the morning, we should thank God for life and ask him protect us from being in the wrong place at the right time.

I met a patient that was presented with incomplete spinal cord injury secondary to gunshot . The Guy is a student of known University, he traveled to the village to help his parent out in farming.

So that faithful day the incident took place, he woke up early so that he can finish up the farm work on time and go back to school. While he was in the farm he started hearing noise , he then wanted to known what is going on that was when discovered that two brothers are fighting for a piece of land. He then turned to return to what he was doing, one the brothers that was fighting brought out gun to shoot the other brother, he missed the target and hit the innocent guy that was going back to his farm.

The bullet entered through is deltoid and lodge in between his C8 & T1 spinal vertebrae leading to incomplete spinal cord injury.

The Guy was presented with paralysis of the two lower limb(paraplagia) and paralysis of the right upperlimb where the bullet entered through.

Currently the guy is now able to move his lowerlimb with serious pain compare first day when he lost the compete sensation and movement of the leg.I strongly believe by the time i will be reasaigned to the unit again, he wont be there again...


Photoshoto with my Chief and interns


Photoshoto with my group member


Photo of me and my assignment (the only lady in my unit)


I want to appreciate #campusconnect for their support .....

I encourage my fellow steemian to join and support #club5050



 3 years ago 

Neuro anat and physio is dealing with me in college . It must be a nice experience for you in the Nuero unit. Kudos

 3 years ago 

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 3 years ago 

Wow, waking up healthy and strong is highly underrated until one of these ugly situations. I thank God for life.
Thanks for sharing @dayographix

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