A Contest Entry On My Favorite Subject @daprado1999

in CampusConnect3 years ago

Hello Steemians..
I'm Praise Iro... I study at UNN most of you obviously in Nigeria and out there in the diaspora must have heard of the great citadel...
However., quickly moving to the topic of discuss my favorite subject...
Well quoting me now... A favorite subject can be one you really love primarily on the basis..a subject you love can be due to circumstances which led to it... I can proudly say Economics is mine😊

Furthermore.. I would love to share briefly with you why i Love Economics... It all started in my secondary school... I was really bothered with regards to why we are being in the state we are in our country on the grounds of some vital leading economic issues in the country...
This as a topic on its own brought me to the lime light on the hike in prices the rise and fall in economy and ways of tackling it.... I loved to hear that hunger could be eradicated by purchasing food... How could we get these food MONEY! 💰
I Was so engrossed in the basis of these.. Knowing how to survive In an economy with money... Another term i loved was

Scale of Preferences :
Our teacher made it so clear on how u have to place worth on every item with the Pressing needs coming before your wants... I just wish to go on and on for the Love of the course. I cant really leave ithis out...
Demand and Supply ;
In Few words it really portrays the striking difference in goods throwing light on their high request in the society they are also say; interwoven and depend on each other.. A comodity having greater craving than other would obviously be more in stock to provide UTILITY to its final consumers😊

Wow... Really interesting a tough nut to crack.. Well i must say i barely missed a class on Economics.. But the day i did "hell was let loose" a bit exaggerated.. Forgive my expressions... Well i was really sick that faithful friday couldnt help missing the class... I felt very bad bcoz the topic on discuss that day was one of my favorites... Well i had to let the sleeping dog lie... I mean i had to let it go..i was sick on drip and couldnt come to class.... I felt starved... The craving i had for the course was so strong i must tell you... Well I was one of the best in my school in the field and on one occasion had to take a lecture in our teachers stead! due to unforseen circumstances😍 I really love Economics

This may sound creepy... How i knew economics was my best subject was when I could stay up hours researching on sucessful economists... Karl Max... Our own dear Ngozi Okonjo Iweala and a host of others... I do this as a hobby... U know people have different hobbies sort of football and all that.. But I love to know why the USA has a great economy.. How?
I wish to know when we would be lifted from an underdeveloped country to a height we all anticipate... So therefore i leave u with this message.. Economist rule the Economy of any soverign state...

Wow... It was really great sharing this piece with you.. Thanks once again to u all
Sincerely Praise

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